Chances of Acceptance to Perio Program

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Hi, I would like to know if there is any chance of getting accepted to perio residency with 2.78 G.P.A., class standing of 31 of 48, NBDE part 1 of 82...did 1 table clinic, treasurer of dental school student council, working at private perio practice for 2 years, no investigation, various sports participation, Latino, 4th year student at US accredited school. Thanx in advance

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Perio may be one of the easier specialties to get into but its not that easy. Hate to spoil your day, but I would say you have little to no chance.
Try one of the really expensive/crappy programs like BU or Tufts. Even then I would doubt it...those programs have a lot of international dentists, who, in my experience, have seemed pretty bright.
Do a GPR or AEGD and go from there.
Hi, I would like to know if there is any chance of getting accepted to perio residency with 2.78 G.P.A., class standing of 31 of 48, NBDE part 1 of 82...did 1 table clinic, treasurer of dental school student council, working at private perio practice for 2 years, no investigation, various sports participation, Latino, 4th year student at US accredited school. Thanx in advance

Place your index and middle finger on your wrist if you feel a pulse......then bingo your admitted.
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anyone know about the programs at baylor and UIC and how competitive they are? I have a 89 gpa, class rank 30/120, 86 part 1 boards.. would i be competitive for most programs?
does anyone know how competitive ucla, ucsf, and maryland are?

i have a 3.6-3.7 gpa, scored 88 on the boards (in the new format), i'm not sure of my class rank but am in the top 10%

i did student council and some research.

do you think that is competitive enough for perio?
does anyone know how competitive ucla, ucsf, and maryland are?

i have a 3.6-3.7 gpa, scored 88 on the boards (in the new format), i'm not sure of my class rank but am in the top 10%

i did student council and some research.

do you think that is competitive enough for perio?

Your numbers are stellar for perio...

You will need to do the following:

1. Enclose a copy of your EKG, confirming that you do, in fact, have a pulse.
2. Please retype the following text: M2fhq; thus confirming that you are, in fact human and not an automated process.

If you're able to do these things, then you're golden for perio.
Perio may be one of the easier specialties to get into but its not that easy. Hate to spoil your day, but I would say you have little to no chance.
Try one of the really expensive/crappy programs like BU or Tufts. Even then I would doubt it...those programs have a lot of international dentists, who, in my experience, have seemed pretty bright.
Do a GPR or AEGD and go from there.

How do u know that BU and Tufts are crappy programs??
Is there anywhere where these programs are ranked??
How do u know that BU and Tufts are crappy programs??
Is there anywhere where these programs are ranked??

Post-grad programs aren't ranked--there are only informal opinions from alumni and current residents.

My guess (I know nothing about perio programs) is that Tufts and BU don't have strong programs for any specialties (and probably make you pay tuition out the nose), so they get less applicants and have lower standards. Just a hunch.
Those 2 programs are quite expensiv, thats why there are less competative to get into..
As for the EKG joke, I guess you thought that would be funnier the second time around? Nice one.
Either way, I am a recent grad of one of the few perio programs in the country that pay a stipend...that would be how I would judge a program...that is unless you come from either
a:another country that will pay for you, or
b:your parents are really wealthy.

Private practice, in my experience so far, has been pretty good. Our practice is quite busy doing implants, mucogingival procedures, and traditional perio. We are in a pretty affluent area, so there is a demand supportive perio for cosmetic dentistry; such as esthetic CL, sectg for root coverage, plumping up ridges for ovate pontics, etc etc...

I'm in an active study club w/ orthodontists, OMFS, Peds, GPs, endo, and prosth. In the real world, we respect eachothers strong points, and we all understand that everyone can learn something from someone else....there is very little my is bigger than yours. Nobody cares. I play golf once a month with our local OS, and his new associate (younger guy around my age). I've learned a great deal from him, and I know I've contributed to his knowledge of implantology. We all just want to make a nice living, learn some new sh.t, and do right by our patients.
I see.

UCSF tuition annual total
endo yr 1 14k 46.8k
endo yr 2 13.5k 46.7k
endo yr 3 13.5 k 47.3k

endo yr 1 41k 79.4k
endo yr 2 41k 72.2k

and others,

ortho yr 1 14k 51K
yr 2 13.5k 50K
yr 3 13.5 50k

ortho yr 1 41k 81.5k
ortho yr 2 41k 67.7k

More questions.

They are less competitive meaning, I dont have to be top 10% of my class to get in??:cool:

Another thing, see how some programs at Tufts are only 2 years insted of 3 years. I would consider that a plus since I dont need a masters anyway. So after all, the cost of attendance is about the same.

Any comments on that? What are the pros and cons of not going to a program that would earn a masters program?

Is there any residenst at any of these "expensive/crappy" schools that can provide some Enlightenment??

PS Perio is 3 yrs at both schools
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all programs are 3 years
Your numbers are stellar for perio...

You will need to do the following:

1. Enclose a copy of your EKG, confirming that you do, in fact, have a pulse.
2. Please retype the following text: M2fhq; thus confirming that you are, in fact human and not an automated process.

If you're able to do these things, then you're golden for perio.

Hey - that's cool how you took a joke that about 4323461234 people have made before you and then tried to pass it off as your own. You are really awesome!
Hey - that's cool how you took a joke that about 4323461234 people have made before you and then tried to pass it off as your own. You are really awesome!

I know this one joke and I know pretty many people have said it before but Í'm curious if you actually counted the number of times this joke has been said before... Good work, Can't Hack It! :p

PS Don't mind the humor!

PSS I know this one guy was harsh on the other-one guy, you don't have to be like him...

PSSS I'm a hypocrite... Hence proved! :laugh:

PSSSS Use of sarcasm is more common than combined microbial flora of skin, oral cavity and genitals. (If I add gut and respi, the number of microbes will out-do the use of sarcasm... Actually I counted that! No, I'm lying...)

PSSSSS We all are so awesome, can't hack it! :smuggrin:
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Hey folks. I'm currently somewhere in the top 1/2 of my class and scored 84 on NBDE Part 1. I'm in the midst of doing research in the perio dept in my school (hopefully I'll get co-authorship when they publish), attend a weekly seminar to perio residents in my school, and hang in Perio a lot. What do you think my chances are in getting into a Perio residency? I'm hoping to do a Perio externship somewhere - I haven't decided where yet. What do you think my chances are in getting into a perio program? If anyone has any more tips or knows specific programs that will like my appolication, please feel free to let me know.
Those 2 programs are quite expensiv, thats why there are less competative to get into..
As for the EKG joke, I guess you thought that would be funnier the second time around? Nice one.
Either way, I am a recent grad of one of the few perio programs in the country that pay a stipend...that would be how I would judge a program...that is unless you come from either
a:another country that will pay for you, or
b:your parents are really wealthy.

Private practice, in my experience so far, has been pretty good. Our practice is quite busy doing implants, mucogingival procedures, and traditional perio. We are in a pretty affluent area, so there is a demand supportive perio for cosmetic dentistry; such as esthetic CL, sectg for root coverage, plumping up ridges for ovate pontics, etc etc...

I'm in an active study club w/ orthodontists, OMFS, Peds, GPs, endo, and prosth. In the real world, we respect eachothers strong points, and we all understand that everyone can learn something from someone else....there is very little my is bigger than yours. Nobody cares. I play golf once a month with our local OS, and his new associate (younger guy around my age). I've learned a great deal from him, and I know I've contributed to his knowledge of implantology. We all just want to make a nice living, learn some new sh.t, and do right by our patients.

Hi! I wanted to ask you how did you proceed in your quest for a job? Was it easy to find one? Please let me know as I have no idea how to proceed!

Hey folks. I'm currently somewhere in the top 1/2 of my class and scored 84 on NBDE Part 1. I'm in the midst of doing research in the perio dept in my school (hopefully I'll get co-authorship when they publish), attend a weekly seminar to perio residents in my school, and hang in Perio a lot. What do you think my chances are in getting into a Perio residency? I'm hoping to do a Perio externship somewhere - I haven't decided where yet. What do you think my chances are in getting into a perio program? If anyone has any more tips or knows specific programs that will like my appolication, please feel free to let me know.

You are golden...for perio that is. Also make sure you memorize the Perio "talking points"
1. I thought about Oral Surgery, but I then decided I would like more "plastics" experience.
2. I though about Oral Surgery, but I wanted to work with a different patient population.
3. I thought about Oral Surgery, but there isnt enough soft tissue management or esthetic training.
4. I thought about Oral Surgery, but realized I couldnt get in or hack it.

Wait...I dont think that last one was on their list, but true for the most part.
You are golden...for perio that is. Also make sure you memorize the Perio "talking points"
1. I thought about Oral Surgery, but I then decided I would like more "plastics" experience.
2. I though about Oral Surgery, but I wanted to work with a different patient population.
3. I thought about Oral Surgery, but there isnt enough soft tissue management or esthetic training.
4. I thought about Oral Surgery, but realized I couldnt get in or hack it.

Wait...I dont think that last one was on their list, but true for the most part.

Why do OMFS residents always have to talk down to everyone else? Small packages? I'm not a perio person, but it is a very important specialty and one I respect a lot. To the OP- don't let people who make all these dumb jokes about perio discourage you. If it is right for you, by all means, go for it. That being said, your grades and scores will limit you. You should probably still get a couple of interviews, but you need to apply to a large number of programs to ensure you get in somewhere. Best of luck!
Why do OMFS residents always have to talk down to everyone else? Small packages? I'm not a perio person, but it is a very important specialty and one I respect a lot. To the OP- don't let people who make all these dumb jokes about perio discourage you. If it is right for you, by all means, go for it. That being said, your grades and scores will limit you. You should probably still get a couple of interviews, but you need to apply to a large number of programs to ensure you get in somewhere. Best of luck!


Of course he's going to make jokes about perio. It's what all the cool kids on SDN do. Of course, if you're posting demeaning jokes about a dental specialty, it's time to recalibrate your "I'm-so-cool-ometer" to begin with. Good luck, #1 Gunner. I'm sure your mom thinks you're fabulous.
Why do OMFS residents always have to talk down to everyone else? Small packages? I'm not a perio person, but it is a very important specialty and one I respect a lot. To the OP- don't let people who make all these dumb jokes about perio discourage you. If it is right for you, by all means, go for it. That being said, your grades and scores will limit you. You should probably still get a couple of interviews, but you need to apply to a large number of programs to ensure you get in somewhere. Best of luck!

What I've found over a year in private practice is similar to the above thread. OS & Perio don't talk like this. Usually it's us (the GPs) that are making the sole decision of where to refer our patients to. Depending on what your situation is with your community referral base, but our practice sends 100% of implants and soft tissue procedures to the periodontist. We also send 100% of our 3rd molars and pathology to the oral surgeon.

What I do know, however, is how you treat your fellow colleagues will come back to haunt you in private practice. For example, I know of an OS resident who set up near us who treated most dental students like crap in school. Guess who I don't send cases to. Same goes for instructors... I know of a professor (specialist) who set up near our office who treated us similarly... guess who doesn't get referrals!

Treat your fellow residents like colleagues. Perio and OS should talk to each other because you never know what you'll learn. Haughtiness is never received well.... especially when my implant gets placed on the buccal shelf because the resident felt he "didn't need a surgical stent".
I wanna ask about TUFTS Perio Program ! ! !
The Good?? The Bad ??
I heard that they accept more than 6 residents a year ,, does that affect the quality of the program ??
What people here have said about private practice is true. Most of the OMS/Perio BS just isn't there.

I'm a new perio guy and there are some GP's who send to OMS and some who send to perio. What I see is that it doesn't depend on degree, it depends on the relationship. That's it, that's all. Some will also have quirks like sending all anterior implants to perio or all full arches to OMS. Ya never know.

I've even had a new OMS grad approach me about working together on cases. He said that he's looking for someone to send soft tissue grafting to and of by extension looking for reciprocal referrals from me. He came from an MD program and is tired of the perio/OMS trashing... plenty of cases to go around.

To my eyes, it seems that the OMS bravado is mainly stuff that's piled on them in residency. No biggie.
I graduated from India in oct 2013.I am starting preparation for NBDE by this month.My questions are as below

-In addition to NBDE and TOEFL what are other things that can make my resume strong to increase my chances for getting selected into residency.

-Do points of continuing dental education from my home country help anywhere ?
I think more clinical experience
perio internship/externship
if you can do AEGD or GPR
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Friend graduated LAST in our class (2010). He ended up doing a GPR, working closely with an attending periodontist, and got in after applying. If you have the motivation to get in, nothing will stop you.
Hi, I would like to know if there is any chance of getting accepted to perio residency with 2.78 G.P.A., class standing of 31 of 48, NBDE part 1 of 82...did 1 table clinic, treasurer of dental school student council, working at private perio practice for 2 years, no investigation, various sports participation, Latino, 4th year student at US accredited school. Thanx in advance

Let's look at what really matters here.

Do you have a pulse?

If so, you're in.

Good luck.
What people here have said about private practice is true. Most of the OMS/Perio BS just isn't there.

I'm a new perio guy and there are some GP's who send to OMS and some who send to perio. What I see is that it doesn't depend on degree, it depends on the relationship. That's it, that's all. Some will also have quirks like sending all anterior implants to perio or all full arches to OMS. Ya never know.

I've even had a new OMS grad approach me about working together on cases. He said that he's looking for someone to send soft tissue grafting to and of by extension looking for reciprocal referrals from me. He came from an MD program and is tired of the perio/OMS trashing... plenty of cases to go around.

To my eyes, it seems that the OMS bravado is mainly stuff that's piled on them in residency. No biggie.

The OMFS bravado has a lot to do with the fact that they have to prove themselves to other "real doctors" (not saying we aren't real doctors) in rotations and within the hospital environment during residency. They have to come across as being extremely knowledgable in all areas of medicine, as well as teeth. I've met many egomaniac OS residents, god bless them - super serious and smart. We need people like that in this world. I'll stick to teeth and strive to be the best tooth fixer I can be.
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I would say to anyone who wants to do perio... APPLY. Your statistics don't really matter that much. They really want you to show an interest and know what you are getting into. Talk to residents. Go to meetings. In the end, people in a program are really just looking for someone who wants to be there, will work hard and fits in well with the other residents (ie a nice person).

I think when you are in dental school, it is easy to get caught up in the statistics, but try and realize that specialty programs are small programs where you spend a lot of time with each other, so personality can be more important than grades.

Also, when you are choosing a program, look at the tuition. If you can get a program with good clinical experience and a stipend, that is the best IMO.