Changing activity description as reapplicant

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2+ Year Member
Mar 2, 2021
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I plan to reapply to med schools next cycle.
Last cycle, I had listed an experience of caring for a family member as clinical, since I worked through an agency.
Would it look bad to med schools if, in my next application, I omit that detail/change the activity description so it doesn't sound like I was caring for a relative? After all, my work was an actual job with a caregiving agency.

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I plan to reapply to med schools next cycle.
Last cycle, I had listed an experience of caring for a family member as clinical, since I worked through an agency.
Would it look bad to med schools if, in my next application, I omit that detail/change the activity description so it doesn't sound like I was caring for a relative? After all, my work was an actual job with a caregiving agency.
I would not recommend hiding this fact.
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