Child Psych Fellowships - The Harvard 3 (MGH, CHA, Boston Children's)

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Nov 11, 2022
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What are the differences of training in these three programs? I do know CHA is play therapy heavy. Which one has the warmest culture that allows for more independent schedule and thinking?

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Noticed it's been a couple days with no response. Not the best answer, but my thoughts...

I'd recommend calling the programs or asking on interview day. It can be a good way to learn what the programs have to offer. Perhaps try to find someone who is currently in their programs. You're probably not going to get good advice on here unless it's people who are well-versed in all 3 unless they've been to one. I understand that all 3 programs share didactic days together, so people who are residents at one will still know people from the other two.
PM'd you.
There are many differences to consider in terms of the size of fellowship class, size of faculty, call expectations, duration of outpatient exposure (1 year-ish versus the entirety of the 2 years), culture, emphasis on research, and much more. OP and others are welcome to reach out to me to discuss more in DMs.