Children's National Reputation?

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5+ Year Member
Jan 8, 2017
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I'm wondering if anyone has insight into Children's National and its general reputation as a residency program/ pros & cons. It's a highly regarded children's hospital, but not as closely intertwined with a top tier medical school in the way that other top tier programs, like CHOP, BCRP, Hopkins are.
How does it measure up to those types of programs?

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It's a very strong program with excellent general pediatric and subspecialty care. The lack of relationship to a "top" medical school is more or less immaterial because the pediatric departments are well funded independent of the lack of a strong medical school.

It is not quite on the BCRP/CHOP/TCH level, but in my opinion is on par with Hopkins.
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But big name programs do matter to a certain extent during job search right?
In attending positions? Nope. No one cares a lick.

It’s about 1) desperation of the division/department and 2) what skill set you bring. When times are tough, 1>2, when times aren’t it’s 2>1. The need for 1 versus 2 is dependent on expected growth and number of FTEs. That’s about it.
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