Christian Medical Schools

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Mar 1, 2024
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I'm making my school list at the moment and I'm looking for Christian medical schools. I know Liberty and Loma Linda are the two schools which are very specifically missionary focused.

I'm wondering if there are other medical schools like this? I know a lot of them were founded on Christian principles but they don't seem to have any religious stuff at all. Ofc open to DO because I mentioned Liberty above.

I forecast a potential ****storm in the comments about religion and medicine butting heads. If you want to argue you can DM me, but please just comment suggestions lol.

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I doubt any of the “Christian” schools still hold traditional values. Or hold people to any kind of standard of behavior.

If someone knows otherwise please correct me……
I doubt any of the “Christian” schools still hold traditional values. Or hold people to any kind of standard of behavior.

If someone knows otherwise please correct me……
LL and Liberty def do, LL makes you take essentially a morals pledge saying you won't drink or smoke or have premarital sex or be gay lol. I haven't heard of such behavior from others.
I'm making my school list at the moment and I'm looking for Christian medical schools. I know Liberty and Loma Linda are the two schools which are very specifically missionary focused.

I'm wondering if there are other medical schools like this? I know a lot of them were founded on Christian principles but they don't seem to have any religious stuff at all. Ofc open to DO because I mentioned Liberty above.

I forecast a potential ****storm in the comments about religion and medicine butting heads. If you want to argue you can DM me, but please just comment suggestions lol.
Unless there's a reason you don't consider Jesuit Catholicism as "Christian," in which case this comment is of no help, you should consider Georgetown, Creighton, Saint Louis University, and Loyola University. Remember that because these schools are social justice minded, they aren't going to be in-your-face about their values of living Christian values, nor are they going to impose conduct policies and rules upon students that try and advance narrow views of purity, chastity, alcohol-free morality, etc. Loma Linda is the one known school to do that. So if you're looking for that, then Loma Linda is it. If you're looking for schools that utilize the Jesuit higher ed philosophy of critical thinking, discernment, dialogue, and intellectual and spiritual curiosity, consider the Jesuit schools. (Disclaimer: I'm a former Boston College undergraduate, but I was not raised Catholic or even particularly Christian.)

This is just my own opinion, and I've had plenty of personal family issues involving the Catholic Church that give me at least some credibility about being willing to criticize the Church and its dogma (and its practices; good grief, there's practically a cottage journalism industry in exposing some new terrible molestation story). But I will go to the mat in defending the quality of education that the Jesuits provide.
LL and Liberty def do, LL makes you take essentially a morals pledge saying you won't drink or smoke or have premarital sex or be gay lol. I haven't heard of such behavior from others.
LOL what

I had an applicant to my school with an IA from his college for standing in a bar. He didn’t even drink, he just stood in there. Completely bizarre.

I’m a Christian saying this so I’m not bashing religious people- but how do they even recruit students willing to sign that kind of thing? I guess people just lie?

You can’t convince me that all the students there actually behave like that…..
I’m a Christian saying this so I’m not bashing religious people- but how do they even recruit students willing to sign that kind of thing? I guess people just lie?
OK, so you can go to medical school - in California. You just can't smoke, drink, consume caffeine, or do the horizontal mambo for the next four years. So, you goin' to med school or not?
LOL what

I had an applicant to my school with an IA from his college for standing in a bar. He didn’t even drink, he just stood in there. Completely bizarre.

I’m a Christian saying this so I’m not bashing religious people- but how do they even recruit students willing to sign that kind of thing? I guess people just lie?

You can’t convince me that all the students there actually behave like that…..

Sure there are probably people, maybe plenty of people, who sign but don’t abide by the morals pledge. If they don’t piss anyone off and they don’t get caught, not a big deal. But these schools that have a morals pledge can use them like an honor code if they want to. I have no idea if a medical student at LL has actually been expelled or sanctioned for violating the code, but you can be theoretically. Happens in plenty of religious-affiliated undergrads, not to mention those that come out as LGBTQIA+.
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Home – Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA)

Look up CMA (CDA for dental) student chapters and connect with officers.

At the undergrad level, morality pledges are part of the agreements to be part of the community. So long as it is written that it does not legally infringe on one's religious practice, it becomes part of your student code of conduct. Yes, there are plenty of K-12/homeschool programs that "enforce" them for students and employees. Someone who is a LL could better describe those expectations.

Additional resource. I am part of their network.

An independent developed this video. I just found it, so I hope it helps give you an idea. This video captures life over 10 years ago. Note the oath.
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Reach out to
Home – Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA)

Look up CMA (CDA for dental) student chapters and connect with officers.

At the undergrad level, morality pledges are part of the agreements to be part of the community. So long as it is written that it does not legally infringe on one's religious practice, it becomes part of your student code of conduct. Yes, there are plenty of K-12/homeschool programs that "enforce" them for students and employees. Someone who is a LL could better describe those expectations.

Additional resource. I am part of their network.

An independent developed this video. I just found it, so I hope it helps give you an idea. This video captures life over 10 years ago. Note the oath.

I love that second video. I've maybe watched it 2-3 times and today was my 3rd/4th. Something about the 2000's and 2010's just makes life out to be as it is