Cincy vs. Drexel

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2+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2022
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I've been planning on going to Cincy for the past few months, but just got accepted to Drexel. I am really conflicted because I am pretty sure I would enjoy Drexel more due to it being closer to family/friends and being a large city but I know that Cincy is hands down the better school and cheaper. I would like to get some outside opinions before making a decision. I'm interested in IM and psych at the moment, if that makes any difference

Drexel (philly campus)
- Closer to family/friends
- Like the city a lot
- True pass/fail
- More matches on east coast (where I want to be after med school)

- Rotations are all over the place/no teaching hospital (big con)
- ~60k more expensive in terms of tuition, cost of living seems to be similar
- Large class

- Better school according to US News and PD rankings (though match list doesn’t really reflect that)
- Home teaching hospital
- Can get in-state tuition after one year

- Further from family/friends
- P/f but with internal quartile ranking
- A lot of matches in ohio/midwest
- Further from family/friends

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Cincy no doubt

Edit: no reason to pay more for a worse school that doesn’t have a home teaching hospital. Cincy will keep your options open as well.
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Cincy no doubt

Edit: no reason to pay more for a worse school that doesn’t have a home teaching hospital. Cincy will keep your options open as well.

Agreed. Having a home program is a huge advantage, Drexel doesn’t and has been a bit disorganized with rotations.
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Cincinnati. Save the money. Great med school. Congratulations.
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