Class of 2011....

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Apr 24, 2006
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How many of you all are watching these agonizing waitlist threads? I feel like a goof because it isn't even my app cycle but I am all involved in the sagas!

I really feel that next year, so many of us will be in the same position as our friends here waiting on May 15th through June for the WL movement. :eek:

What do you think?

(PS if you ordered your MSAR on Amazon, CANCEL it. I cancelled mine on the 10th and got mine today via AAMC.)

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jackieMD2007 said:
How many of you all are watching these agonizing waitlist threads? I feel like a goof because it isn't even my app cycle but I am all involved in the sagas!

I really feel that next year, so many of us will be in the same position as our friends here waiting on May 15th through June for the WL movement. :eek:

What do you think?

(PS if you ordered your MSAR on Amazon, CANCEL it. I cancelled mine on the 10th and got mine today via AAMC.)

good luck :luck: :)
yep i'm guilty :oops: but i figure we'll be in that position next year so i want to hear the stories of those coming off the waitlist :thumbup:
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don't worry - you'll be here soon enough! I watched akpete as she sweated her MCW waitlist spot, and guess where she is now? :)

well, you guys can cheer me on :oops:
QUOTE: (PS if you ordered your MSAR on Amazon, CANCEL it. I cancelled mine on the 10th and got mine today via AAMC.)

Why did you cancel yours? I got my MSAR today by Amazon (it took about a week to reach me)...doesn't seem to bad.
yea i feel the same way...its unsettling
Best of Luck to the Class of 2010!! We're pulling for you. :thumbup:
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
Come back and cheer us on this time next year (from your fabulous medical schools, of course...) :D
If this year don't pan out, I'll be joining you crazy kids for 2011 neuroticism.
Yeah I've been lurking around these threads since last Thanksgiving. It is a little nervewrecking to imagine myself in the same situation as the applicants for 2010 at this time next year.
BTW I cannot wait for the rain to stop in New England
The process isn't as bad as all that. SDN just magnifies the agony ten fold with all those WL threads. :)

You'd be surprised by some schools, so don't let the waitlisters depress you. Last fall, I had thought I would be one of these waitlisters because my stats were average, but I got into my school of choice (no waitlist) so you never know!
NonTrad, thanks for the calming words of wisdom. I must sleep now.
lol I am watching all the waitlist threads very closely. Its interesting to see how everything pans out. This time next year many of us will be pacing around waiting for that call :)

2011---that is a long time from now....