Class rank and OMFS

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Nov 13, 2022
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Class rank

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Just work hard the rest of your program with that goal in mind and you will be fine. First semester is an adjustment.
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1st quarter lol? Chill. There’s like a 90% chance you might not even want to do oral surgery after 3 more years of DS. Just keep an open mind and work hard. Rank isn’t set in stone until around end of D2 early D3.
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This is going to sound a lot harsher than it is intended, but maybe spend less time on SDN internally justifying weaknesses on your application and just relax and be a dental student. You would be surprised how much easier it is to keep your class rank up, etc. when you take all the pressure off of yourself this early into dental school.
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Agree with everyone above. I had a horrible rank my first semester, and worked towards top 30%, and with a decent CBSE was able to match. Read the forums to help you make a plan, if OMFS is what you truly want. I promise you, there were many people in the same shoes as you and matched into either 4 or 6 yr programs (me included), so just work hard.
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you can go only go up from here. dominate the rest of the courses. study like you've never studied before, and if you want it that badly, you will make it. good luck.
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