Clinical or non-clinical?

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2+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2022
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So I was told my previous applications lacked in non-clinical volunteering. To combat that, I decided to coach special olympics basketball and I became a hospice companion. I have been getting mixed reviews about whether the hospice companion can be classified as non-clinical, but I need it to be non-clinical because I specifically chose it as a unique non-clinical activity that "pushes me out of my comfort zone". Yes, while I am in a "clinical setting," my role is COMPLETELY non-clinical. In fact, in my training I was told I was not allowed to do any clinical activity whatsoever (I can't even feed patients). My entire job is to be a literal companion, a buddy who keeps them company, provides amity, takes some stress away, provide entertainment, etc. Most days, I greet families when they come in and walk them back to rooms, I will play piano in the waiting room so they can get away from the madness for a little, and when patients don't have family around I'll go and just sit in their room and keep them company.

The way I view it, I'm like a social worker. Yes, social workers are in clinical settings, but you wouldn't call them clinical staff. Do you think I can call it non-clinical? If not, I'm totally screwed.

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Previous advice given
There are people who are licensed CLINICAL social workers. They work with patients and patients' families and are vital members of some care teams. And by describing what they do as keeping patients company, you've essentially dissed their profession.

Tag it as "non-clinical" and put the emphasis on the piano playing and welcoming visitors and providing companionship to the dying who don't have family with them. (Don't call them "patients".) You get to spin this in a way that works for you.
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