CMEs in Private Practice

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Dr. Pookie

Full Member
10+ Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
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How do you all go about getting your CME credits if you are in private practice (ie. no Grand Rounds to sit in on, etc.). I need 50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits every 2 years and want to go about it in the most painless and least expensive way possible (not sure if mutually exclusive). Thanks.

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Also your malpractice will typically have a bunch of free CMEs that you can use for quality improvement or risk management CMEs for your state license too....they want you to take the courses so you don't get sued as much lol
That's like a one time bolus.

Yeah but just thinking about "free" credits. I agree that uptodate is a good way to easily get them but it isn't exactly free for 579 bucks a year. If you're doing things like paying for malpractice, going to conferences or being an APA member anyway, then might as well get the CMEs you're paying for.

OP also if you're keeping your APA membership, the AJP has 36 Cat 1 CME credits a year from article questions, so that's basically all you need over 2 years.
