columbia p&s experiences?

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Jan 23, 2005
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wow... wish I had found out about SDN BEFORE my interviews

anyway, too late now. but a question for all of you who interviewed at Columbia or visited there... is it just me, or are the students at P&S waaay better-looking on average than the ones at other schools? maybe the admissions people only let the attractive ones give tours or something? the average height for guys there had to be like 6 feet...

they are one of the few schools, after all, that want to see your picture before the interview. maybe Frantz only takes people he thinks look good?

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plenty of schools will ask for a pic pre-interview.
Most of the schools I applied to required a pic pre-interview, however I have heard rumors of beauty being an asset while applying to Columbia.....

Here's hoping I make the cut! :luck: :laugh: :laugh:
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TexasSnow said:
Most of the schools I applied to required a pic pre-interview, however I have heard rumors of beauty being an asset while applying to Columbia.....

Here's hoping I make the cut! :luck: :laugh: :laugh:

What's the reason behind giving them a picture prior to interview? :confused:
icebrat001 said:
What's the reason behind giving them a picture prior to interview? :confused:

Could be a number of reasons: just so they have it in your file to remember you post-interview and while advocating in front of the committee; so that when your interviewer comes to get you s/he knows who s/he's looking for; it's just one less thing to make you remember to bring with you for the interview...

...oh, also, I don't know if AMCAS includes your photo with your application (remember we all turned one in for the MCAT?) - but maybe that photo's sent to the schools along with your scores. This way, schools can cross-reference and make sure you're who you say you are - and that no one's sitting in on your interview...that last reason might just be me making stuff up though.
ajt2003 said:
Could be a number of reasons: just so they have it in your file to remember you post-interview and while advocating in front of the committee; so that when your interviewer comes to get you s/he knows who s/he's looking for; it's just one less thing to make you remember to bring with you for the interview...

...oh, also, I don't know if AMCAS includes your photo with your application (remember we all turned one in for the MCAT?) - but maybe that photo's sent to the schools along with your scores. This way, schools can cross-reference and make sure you're who you say you are - and that no one's sitting in on your interview...that last reason might just be me making stuff up though.

Haven't taken the MCAT yet, so I didn't know we had to send them a picture.

Now that I know, do we send the schools and the MCAT people a formal photo or just a nice professional photo?
icebrat001 said:
Haven't taken the MCAT yet, so I didn't know we had to send them a picture.

Now that I know, do we send the schools and the MCAT people a formal photo or just a nice professional photo?

I think the only school I know of with strict photo specifications is UAB (also the reason I terminated my secondary...didn't care enough to jump through that hoop :rolleyes: ). For all the other schools that asked, I just found a digital picture I liked, took it to the machine at the Walmart photo center, and got 12 wallet size copies for 72 cents--36 cents per 4x6 sheet. :D I think as long as you're dressed in the photo and don't look scary (I know this is subjective, but work with me here), you should be fine.

And it doesn't need to have a plain background either--I used a picture of me and a friend from the British Museum (I cropped my friend out), and on the edge of the picture you can see half of some guy on the stairs. It didn't make any difference in getting invitations to interview.

For the MCAT--I had a leftover passport photo, but I remember a ton of people just cut themselves out of their own pictures. I think as long as they can see your face clearly and can match you to it on test day, it doesn't matter. Someone correct me if I'm wrong....
According to AAMC:

" 2" x 2" photograph of your face of sufficient quality to make positive identification at the test center.... Should you be accepted to medical school, your photograph will be forwarded to the school at which you matriculate. Medical school personnel will use the photograph to verify your identity. A U.S. passport–size photo is acceptable."
Speaking of P&S, I know acceptance go out Feb 15 or so, anyone know if we recieve them by email, phone, snail mail, etc?

aka, how much longer do i need to maintain my sanity.......waiting for the texas match has been enough of torture!
aprilshyla said:
Speaking of P&S, I know acceptance go out Feb 15 or so, anyone know if we recieve them by email, phone, snail mail, etc?

aka, how much longer do i need to maintain my sanity.......waiting for the texas match has been enough of torture!

Heya -- if it's any help to any of you... last year we started getting acceptances the last few days of February, and they came in large white envelopes via snail mail. People more proximal to the NYC area got theirs first... which made it an excruciating wait for the rest of us (I was in Durham, NC last year like you, aprilshyla... I kinda miss it sometimes :) )
SarahGM said:
Heya -- if it's any help to any of you... last year we started getting acceptances the last few days of February, and they came in large white envelopes via snail mail.

Is February 15th the last day to hear about a potential interview invite as well?
nona1 said:
SarahGM said:
Heya -- if it's any help to any of you... last year we started getting acceptances the last few days of February, and they came in large white envelopes via snail mail.

Is February 15th the last day to hear about a potential interview invite as well?

This I really don't know. I had thought that interviews end completely at the end of January, to give the adcom time to decide where to send the first round of acceptances by the end of February. (I can't confirm this! Perhaps call the admissions office?)
SarahGM said:
nona1 said:
This I really don't know. I had thought that interviews end completely at the end of January, to give the adcom time to decide where to send the first round of acceptances by the end of February. (I can't confirm this! Perhaps call the admissions office?)

I work at P&S, and am applying there too....The students are definately NOT good least by NYC standards...but theat is medical school for ya.
nona1 Is February 15th the last day to hear about a potential interview invite as well?[/QUOTE said:
I would call the admissions office, but when I called to reschedule my interview, the woman who answered the phone made it clear I had to interview before the end of January.

But still, it won't hurt to call the admissions office. Good luck! :luck: