Columbia vs Penn

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Sep 6, 2024
Reaction score
School 1: Columbia
  • Amazing for specializing
  • Integrated med curriculum
  • P/F
  • Small Class Size
  • Less competitive/cutthroat
  • Good research
  • COA (584k
  • Clinical xp is bad
  • Basically a guaranteed GPR/AEGD
  • Living costs a bit higher
School 2: UPenn
  • Good for specializing
  • Good clinical xp
  • Living costs a bit cheaper
  • Good research
  • I know 2 upperclassmen
  • Block education
  • Can retake tests up to 80%
  • Not P/F
  • Large class size with bad faculty to student ratio
  • no med integrated curriculum
  • COA is also high (584k)
  • more competitive environment (from what i've heard from my upperclassmen friends)

I'm a michigan resident so location is honestly not a huge thing for me; they're both far lol. I think it is worth noting that I am on the waitlist at ohio state so If I get in there I would take it in a heartbeat. Overall I'm honestly leaning more towards Columbia because im interested in doing omfs having shadowed a lot at an oral surgeons practice. At the same time, however, I know this may be a little naive and a lot of students who want to do omfs end up changing their minds and wanting to be a gp which is why I cant decide between the two schools. My thought process is that if I am going to be about 600k deep in student loans then I basically have to specialize in something lucrative or else i'm going to be drowning in debt for the next decade or so. any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Both are great schools, I personally went to a P/F and really had a great experience. So I'd recommend Columbia, it's helpful for OMFS (and really all specialties, keeps the doors open by being P/F). Both are expensive, if your state school is cheaper you can consider that. But I'd go with Columbia. Loans suck but you'll pay it off.
Both are great schools, I personally went to a P/F and really had a great experience. So I'd recommend Columbia, it's helpful for OMFS (and really all specialties, keeps the doors open by being P/F). Both are expensive, if your state school is cheaper you can consider that. But I'd go with Columbia. Loans suck but you'll pay it off.

I appreciate the insight! Unfortunately my instate school (umich) did not even invite me to interview. Sucks especially considering I had damn near 100th percentile stats. Praying I get off the waitlist at ohio state lol.
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