Community college vs University Pre-reqs

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Jan 19, 2024
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Hi! I work full-time as a nurse right now and I’ve decided to start taking pre-reqs I either still need or pass/failed during Covid. My story is a long one so I’ll spare you lol 😂 But I was talking to a previous biology teacher, and he mentioned that taking pre-reqs at community college would be looked at as a red flag because it’s seen as looking for easier courses. Community college is by far better for me while I’m working- saves me a ton of money and is way more feasible with my work schedule (I work 12 hour shifts). I don’t even know if I could make university classes work. Is this true?

For some context, my first degree was less than stellar but not like… lethal lol. 3.3 cGPA. Went to an accelerated BSN program post-grad and got a 3.69 (so close to that 3.7 😭). So I do feel like that might help me a little with my narrative that I’ve grown and can do harder coursework successfully? Like I went to nursing school and did pretty well.

Tbh as long as cc coursework doesn’t make me like dead on arrival I need to do it. Just want to confirm that this is the case. Thanks!!

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CC is fine for post grads. It's not fine when you're a uni student obviously dodging harder classes at your uni.
You clearly are taking CC classes as a working nurse, not a premed tryna sneak by some poor class performance, you'll be alright for 99% of schools