Compare Thoracic Surgery CME & Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews On One Page!

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***************After March 15, 2011 - FIND UPDATED LISTINGS AT - ***************\

You can compare Thoracic Surgery CME programs in multiple formats - Online, DVD, MP3, CD, Audio and Video at's New Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page! This page allows you to compare Thoracic Surgery CME programs offered by multiple providers based on the program's: Issues, CME Credits, Format, and Price Range.

Keywords for this thread are - Landing page to Compare Thoracic Surgery CME Programs and Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews in MP3 Audio Live and DVD Video Formats, Thoracic Surgery CME, Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education, Continuing Education, Continuing Medical Education, American Board of Thoracic Surgery, certification, recertification, Thoracic Surgery board review course, Thoracic Surgery board reviews, American Board of Surgery, American Colege of Surgery, ACS

Current Thoracic Surgery CME Programs listed on the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page as of 02.20.11 are listed Below.

1. Thoracic Imaging CME DVD from the Society of Thoracic Radiology
2. Osler Thoracic Surgery Written and Oral Board Exam Review Courses LIVE or MP3 Audio
3. CardioCareLive - LIVE Cardiology CME Online Conference
4. For Thoracic Imaging CME see Radiology CME Compare Page

Some sample listings on the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page[/URL] as of 02.20.11 are listed Below.

Osler Thoracic Surgery Written and Oral Board Exam Review Courses LIVE or MP3 Audio

Description: Comprehensive Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews for the oral or written board exams available LIVE, in MP3 audio, or pre-loaded MP3 player formats. The audio versions are live recordings of the prestigious Osler Institute Thoracic Surgery Board Review Courses. Live programs only are eligible for up to 20 hours of Thoracic Surgery CME credit. For More Info Visit Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page. . .

Thoracic Imaging CME DVD from the Society of Thoracic Radiology

Description: Thoracic Imaging Audio Video is a recording of the 28th annual conference from the Society of Thoracic Radiology. This Thoracic Imaging CME Video presents internationally recognized experts in imaging of the lungs, heart, thoracic vasculature, mediastinum and pleura. Topics include: Coronary and cardiac imaging (CT, MRI), Aortic and pulmonary vascular imaging, Diffuse infiltrative lung disease, Imaging of the airways, Update in thoracic imaging technology and radiation dose reduction, and more. This CME activity is good for up to 27.5 Thoracic Surgery CME credits. For More Info Visit Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page. . .

See the complete list of Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Programs and complete program details including format, pricing, and CME credits at the's Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page."]Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page[/URL].

If you have searched The Apollo Site thoroughly for continuing education in your specialty, and still cannot find the CME program that meets your needs, may we suggest the following reputable continuing medical education websites:, CME-Directory, CMEInfo, PracticalReviews, Audio Digest, NetCE, AuntMinnie Radiology, MedRisk, CMElectures, Oakstone, EBMedicine. You can also search the terms "[Insert Your Specialty Here] CME DVD" in reputable search engines Google, Yahoo, MSN, TripDatabase, GatorDirectory, Bing; or visit Apollo's page on Facebook or the Facebook Continuing Medical Education Group.

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How to use ApolloCME's Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page

As we all know, comparing Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews and Continuing Medical Education offerings by looking at tons of different sites on the internet can be time consuming. SAVE TIME and compare Thoracic Surgery CME and Board Review programs here - all on one page. A Physician's time is valuable, in fact, very valuable both in terms of Dollars and Quality of Life. So save your time when looking for a Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education program by "Comparison Shopping" the way at our Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page.

Here's How it works:

For every Thoracic Surgery Board Review and Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Program listed on the site, we have tracked the "vital statistics" that you easily select the Thoracic Surgery Continuing Education Program that is right for you. Each listing contains the following "vital stats:"

* Number of issues (1 - 48)
* Format (LIVE, MP3, Online, CD audio, DVD video etc. . .)
* CME Credits (1- 84)
* Price

In addition we have written a very brief product description of the contents of each Thoracic Surgery CME product and Thoracic Surgery Board Review on our Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page.

If you are most concerned with PRICE - simply scan the prices that give you the best Thoracic Surgery CME "bang for your buck."

If you are most concerned with FORMAT - find a format that works best for your such a a Thoracic Surgery DVD Video (sit back and watch) or a Thoracic Surgery DVD-ROM (more interactive).

If you need a ton of Thoracic Surgery CME CREDITS - simply scan the listings for the product that offers the most Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Credits. . . it's that simple!

So find the Area in which you need your Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Credits and start comparing Thoracic Surgery CME programs all on one page with's Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page!
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Some people ask "What about live meetings?" on the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page.

At we do list Live Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Conferences and Programs from time to time. These listing will be along with our other Thoracic Surgery CME listings and you can tell that something is a Live Thoracic Surgery CME Meeting by looking at the listings title, "format," or reading the listing's "description." The majority of the program on Apollo's Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page are actually DVD Videos, DVD-ROMs, or MP3s because these listings tend to be more "static." That is to say, an approved Thoracic Surgery CME Video or DVD-ROM will have a clear expiration date, usually a few years after the program is initially released. Live Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Eduation meetings, cruises, and retreats tend have their dates, time and locations changed year after year after year.

As new Thoracic Surgery CME programs become available from our affiliate content providers, they are listed on the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page and can stay there until the expiration of the Thoracic Surgery Continuing Education product. At which time, we attempt to remove the product promptly (which, as you can imagine, does not happen all the time the the amazing number of Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews and CME Programs listed on our site). In addition, after the Live Thoracic Surgery Meetings have occurred, those listings are removed to keep the list as up to date as possible.

Current "Live Thoracic Surgery CME Activities" listed on the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page (as of 02.20.11) include:

1. Osler Thoracic Surgery Written and Oral Board Exam Review Courses LIVE or MP3 Audio

The Osler Thoracic Surgery Review mentioned above is available in MP3 Audio format and as a Live Thoracic Surgery Board Review. Thoracic Surgery Continuing Education Credits are only offered for the Live Osler Review and not the MP3 Audio version.

As new Thoracic Surgery CME Programs - Live or DVD Video or DVD-ROM or MP3 Audio - are added to the Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page visit to stay up to date.
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Apollo's Featured Thoracic Surgery CME Program
February 22, 2011

At we will begin featuring an outstanding Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education program with a "Spotlight" listing from time to time. We may base these on program format or on CME credits or other criteria important to the physician looking for some of the best Thoracic Surgery CME programs available on the web. Today's Thoracic Surgery CME "Spotlight" is on Thoracic Imaging CME DVD from the Society of Thoracic Radiology:

Thoracic Imaging CME DVD from the Society of Thoracic Radiology

Description: Thoracic Imaging Audio Video is a recording of the 28th annual conference from the Society of Thoracic Radiology. This Thoracic Imaging CME Video presents internationally recognized experts in imaging of the lungs, heart, thoracic vasculature, mediastinum and pleura. Topics include: Coronary and cardiac imaging (CT, MRI), Aortic and pulmonary vascular imaging, Diffuse infiltrative lung disease, Imaging of the airways, Update in thoracic imaging technology and radiation dose reduction, and more. This CME activity is good for up to 27.5 Thoracic Surgery CME credits.

Thoracic Imaging from the Society of Thoracic Radiology features internationally recognized experts in imaging of the lungs, heart, thoracic vasculature, mediastinum and pleura, and includes the following:
• Coronary and cardiac imaging (CT, MRI);
• Aortic and pulmonary vascular imaging;
• Diffuse infiltrative lung disease;
• Imaging of the airways;
• Solitary pulmonary nodule evaluation;
• Lung cancer update: the revised staging system and its applications;
• Update in thoracic imaging technology and radiation dose reduction;
• Intensive care and post-operative imaging; and
• Pulmonary infections.

Compare Thoracic Imaging Radiology Video CME Stats!
Issues: 1 Program
CME Credits: up to 27.5 Thoracic Surgery CME credits
Format: Video DVD or MP4
Price Range: Approx. $1095

Find More Listings on ApolloCME's Thoracic Surgery CME Compare Page
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Below, feel free to discuss any of the Thoracic Surgery CME Programs and Thoracic Surgery Board Reviews found at's CME Compare Pages. Leave your feedback, or we may be able to help you find a Thoracic Surgery Continuing Medical Education Product or Thoracic Surgery Board Review that fits your needs. Your feedback is much appreciated.

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