45 y/o guy, healthy, referred by ortho b/c he cant lift his right arm. this has been going on for 5 years. right shoulder MRI is fine, neck MRI is fine. he also has mild parethesias that he complains about in both hands and very mild in right foot. he has visible fasciculations in right deltoid. clear weakness in abduciton and flexion on right. weak reflexes.
bilateral sensory median and radial are absent. ulnars are slow and relatively large for some reason.
MABC normal on right absent on left
LABC normal on left absent on right
motor NCS in UE generally show decet response proximally, but i have trouble finding the more proximal response with some temporal dispersion.
absent RLE sural, tibial motor is fine with ankle stim, but cant get a good pop fossa stim
RUE shows big (but not giant) units with polyphasia in deltoid and biceps, and to a lesser extent in most other RUE muscles. there is also some polyphasia in LUE, and tiny bit in some RLE muscles. there is no active denervation anywhere or CRDs. the fasciculations look like a polyphasic unit on needle testing.
ok, what the #$@!$ does this guy have? i dont see any unifying entity or diagnosis here. i suppose he could have some strange peripheral neuropathy, but his presentation is a bit peculiar. also, the sensory findings point away from a strict motor neuron disease. his findings are bilateral and diffuse, so plexopathy seems unlikely. i trust my NCS findings, but something here is askew. dont really know what to do with him. he saw a neurologist about 3 years ago who didnt do much for him either.
bilateral sensory median and radial are absent. ulnars are slow and relatively large for some reason.
MABC normal on right absent on left
LABC normal on left absent on right
motor NCS in UE generally show decet response proximally, but i have trouble finding the more proximal response with some temporal dispersion.
absent RLE sural, tibial motor is fine with ankle stim, but cant get a good pop fossa stim
RUE shows big (but not giant) units with polyphasia in deltoid and biceps, and to a lesser extent in most other RUE muscles. there is also some polyphasia in LUE, and tiny bit in some RLE muscles. there is no active denervation anywhere or CRDs. the fasciculations look like a polyphasic unit on needle testing.
ok, what the #$@!$ does this guy have? i dont see any unifying entity or diagnosis here. i suppose he could have some strange peripheral neuropathy, but his presentation is a bit peculiar. also, the sensory findings point away from a strict motor neuron disease. his findings are bilateral and diffuse, so plexopathy seems unlikely. i trust my NCS findings, but something here is askew. dont really know what to do with him. he saw a neurologist about 3 years ago who didnt do much for him either.
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