Correlation: Anxiety and chosen residency

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Sep 12, 2002
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Hi all,
I'm not sure if this has been discussed on this forum before or not, my apologies if it has been.

It has come to my attention (in more ways than one), that those who choose psychology as an undergrad major, and also those who continue in the field of psychology/psychiatry, have, so to speak, a few quirks of their own. I suppose it is just the fascination of those own quirks that lead people into these professions. I was wondering if anyone has any feedback on this issue, or other responses. I really love psychology (i'm doing psych in undergrad) and would love some aspects of psychiatry, interestingly enough, I'm somewhat of an anxious fellow myself.
-MG 😉

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There is a thread on the general issues site where people explore the connection between undergrad majors and residency. Not too sure about the anxiety stuff - most of the psychiatrists I know are very laid back.
