Creighton Pharmacy Class of 2023

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Class of 2023
Moderator Emeritus
5+ Year Member
May 18, 2018
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Hi! I'm putting this thread here for the Creighton SPAHP class of '23.

2019 is only a couple of weeks away now, and I believe Shane said things begin to ramp up in February as far as information coming out to students - at least in the Distance Pathway.

I'm accepted for the Distance Program, and I'm from Arizona.

I've attached a picture of Year 1. The overall information is the same for both Distance and Campus. It differs in the actual course schedule as the Distance Students will be taking lab in the summers.

Creighton distance year 1.PNG

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Thank you for posting it. I have accepted for the distance program as well. I am from California. Do you know exact what date we have to trip and attend the classes for few days in August 2019? Because I need to fill out the time off request form from my work in Jan.2019. I will appreciate for the assist.
Do you guys know how many students they accept for the distance pathway?
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Thank you for posting it. I have accepted for the distance program as well. I am from California. Do you know exact what date we have to trip and attend the classes for few days in August 2019? Because I need to fill out the time off request form from my work in Jan.2019. I will appreciate for the assist.

Hi, and Congrats!

From the schedule above, Welcome week is when we're supposed to be there.. and that begins on Aug 11th. Until we get closer, I won't know if we have to get in the day before or if they expect arrival on the 11th.. But I was told we'd start hearing more specific info in February (I know that doesn't help you too much - sorry)

Do you guys know how many students they accept for the distance pathway?
Hi! I may not be remembering the exact number that they told us, but last year it was said there were approximately 120 or so students accepted, and the majority came from the distance program.
Anyone else interviewing on the 11th of January?
Hi, Mur7ay! I saw you posted in the other thread, too. That's where you'll find out who is still interviewing. This will be the thread when you get your acceptance.
General FYI: I received an email today from the financial aid office for Creighton. It says that they are planning on sending financial aid packages to students by early March.
Has no one created a Facebook page yet? I can’t seem to find one.

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Well, more specifically, for us online students. Of course, I think we should be apart of both pages, however, us online students will have different struggles than those on campus so we should probably have our own page as well.

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I went ahead and created a Slack channel specifically for the class of 2023. You must be an enrolled student to join. Send a private message to join.

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I went ahead and created a Slack channel specifically for the class of 2023. You must be an enrolled student to join. Send a private message to join.

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I want to join the group in the face book as well. would you please give me under what name i have to search?
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Hi, and Congrats!

From the schedule above, Welcome week is when we're supposed to be there.. and that begins on Aug 11th. Until we get closer, I won't know if we have to get in the day before or if they expect arrival on the 11th.. But I was told we'd start hearing more specific info in February (I know that doesn't help you too much - sorry)

I vaguely recall them telling us at interviews that there was a mandatory meet and greet BBQ on that Sunday for the distance pathway folks, so we need to arrive on Saturday.
Oh, good to remember! Thank you for that! I do hope we start getting information soon, if not for any other reason, but to remind us that yes, we really were accepted 😉

Not sure about anyone else, but I received an email late yesterday regarding 2 parts to the background check. Part 1 is the Certiphi criminal background check (I did a few months ago, it followed my acceptance) and then Part 2 is the Nebraska DHHS Request for Information from the Adult and Child Abuse and Neglect Registry.

Also, my portal updated to show that it also wants the immunization records soon. For oldies like me (snicker), they don't have all these records anymore, so I have an appointment to get bloodwork done to see which immunizations I might still need. (I'm thinking Hep B booster, but not sure).

If you have not had all your immunizations, you may want to start making appointments now, cause you'll need to submit proof that you've had them done.
To all the accepted -

If you haven't already, start checking your email, your portal, and your school email. I received an email from the school last night.

  • Financial Aid info
  • Immunization requirements and deadlines
  • Lots more
June 1st, all school communications will be sent to you via your school email.

me too, i have received those two e-mails. I already submitted them. Right now, I am working on my immunization records. However, I do not know how to submit them when they are ready. The school on the portal gave us the official site to upload the documents but i still need time to figure it out how to submit them. :thinking:
You'll need to log into the NEST, and then there's a link I believe for Immunizations which leads you to the Birdhouse site. I believe there are instructions there. I looked at it, but I'm at work right now, so I can't easily pull that up at the moment.

I'm also working on my Immunizations, but as I'm (cough) older than most of you, I am having to obtain my records and create new ones! I have to start my Hep-B today actually (already reached out to them as the series won't actually be complete til after May 1st due to the schedule of shots) so I'm working on getting that all taken care of and uploaded as well.
thank you for the info. But i have not received the e-mail about financial aid and immunization records. Do I need to contact the school or i just wait? I check the portal, the immunization info was there but i have not receive any e-mails about the deadlines and financial aid!!!:shrug:
would you please help me to figure out my school email? Do we have like Creighton email under students names? or the school email us through our personal emails?
thank you for the info. But i have not received the e-mail about financial aid and immunization records. Do I need to contact the school or i just wait? I check the portal, the immunization info was there but i have not receive any e-mails about the deadlines and financial aid!!!:shrug:

It is possible they are rolling out the emails in order of acceptance, but if you are concerned, I would definitely reach out to the school and ask.

would you please help me to figure out my school email? Do we have like Creighton email under students names? or the school email us through our personal emails?

Your school email is listed 2 ways: (Example name is John A Doe)
[email protected] example: [email protected]
[email protected] example: [email protected]

You can access your email via Office 365 which they link on the school's page. (Directions: Go to the top of the Creighton University Page, Click Menu. The blue bar will expand into a menu. There will be a link to Office365 as well as other important school links at the bottom of that section.)

The email that I received referenced above was sent to BOTH my school email and to my contact email that they've been using throughout the process.

I think I answered all your questions 🙂 Let me know if you have any more, I'll do my best to answer, or point you to who you should speak to.
What about pharmacy did you miss out on? There is nothing left for you now, so what are you going to do in 2023? Have you done your research? Talked to friends and family in the field? explored whats going on behind the scenes in pharmacy? if not, i suggest you do. It may save your life.
Ok, I'll bite:

What about pharmacy did you miss out on?

- I haven't missed out on anything. I am looking to better myself and expand my knowledge of the industry I'm already working in. I want to be able to further grow in the company and move into more expanded roles than I currently have.

There is nothing left for you now, so what are you going to do in 2023?

- In 2023, I'm going to hit 20 years with the company I work for, have a PharmD in hand, and be able to move up doing more of what I love to do.

Have you done your research?
-Yep. Looked into my options. Looked into various schools. Looked into requirements for positions I would love to move into. Looked into cost, financing, paying back loans, quality of life, quality of life for my family, my kids.. Yep, I've researched it.

Talked to friends and family in the field? explored whats going on behind the scenes in pharmacy?
- Yep, work with a team of pharmacists, report up to several pharmacists. Talked to them all. They range from very supportive, to "Its about time!" to "Just please don't leave when you graduate!"

if not, i suggest you do. It may save your life.
-My life is already saved.
Hi! I'm putting this thread here for the Creighton SPAHP class of '23.

2019 is only a couple of weeks away now, and I believe Shane said things begin to ramp up in February as far as information coming out to students - at least in the Distance Pathway.

I'm accepted for the Distance Program, and I'm from Arizona.

I've attached a picture of Year 1. The overall information is the same for both Distance and Campus. It differs in the actual course schedule as the Distance Students will be taking lab in the summers.

View attachment 244191
Where did you get access to this, if you don't mind me asking? I can't see anything in my portal or emails regarding updates..
Reminder to any other accepted candidates to Creighton's class of 2023, there is a Facebook group (re-linked below). It's a good way to start meeting fellow candidates ahead of Welcome week! (August 11th-16th)
I tried joining the page but didn't get approved yet
It is possible they are rolling out the emails in order of acceptance, but if you are concerned, I would definitely reach out to the school and ask.

Your school email is listed 2 ways: (Example name is John A Doe)
[email protected] example: [email protected]
[email protected] example: [email protected]

You can access your email via Office 365 which they link on the school's page. (Directions: Go to the top of the Creighton University Page, Click Menu. The blue bar will expand into a menu. There will be a link to Office365 as well as other important school links at the bottom of that section.)

The email that I received referenced above was sent to BOTH my school email and to my contact email that they've been using throughout the process.

I think I answered all your questions 🙂 Let me know if you have any more, I'll do my best to answer, or point you to who you should speak to.
Nice to meet everyone
I am also admitted in the 2023 class but I am having issues with my student email. Can you tell me the password to use at first or do I use the Forget password link and reset the my password
If I remember correctly, you take the NET ID and PW from portal, use it to log into the NEST. Once you do that, I believe the pw may have been the same for email? (If not, by all means do the PW reset, but I'm not sure if it sends you the pw or lets you change it there).
Nice to meet everyone.
I will be joining you all at Creighton U for the Distance Pharmacy program this fall.