Creighton Post-Bacc Questions

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Feb 6, 2008
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Has Anyone Heard from Creighton Dental Post-Bac? Have you even received the email stating that your is complete?

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But I do know that they will start calling people starting feb. 8th to feb. 23rd. for the phone interviews. Don't know how that will be conducted tho.
I am trying to wait patiently..... but getting a little scared because they said telephone interviews start feb8 and seeing that it is feb 6 and I still have not heard anything. Not even a "complete" email/mail.
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Also- do you guys know how many people applied to this program????
Thanks for the replies. I know that last year there were 40 applicants and only 5 spots
Lets keep each other posted on this application process.......
I also confirmed that they "normally" have 5 seats for 60 +/- applicants this year. o_O. Wow, the odds are better for us if we applied to dental school itself. lol.

Where are you guy applying from? (like state wise)?
any other post bac u are submitting to?

California and am submitting to the UCSF/UoP post bac as well.
Well hopefully we will here from them soon. This is the only post-bac program I am applying to. I heard from somebody that if you have above a 17 on any section of the DAT then you don't qualify for this program? Is this true? I sure hope not.........
Has anyone heard anything?????
Yes, I received a letter in the mail the other day inviting me down to interview on 3/17.