crit care interview question

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Sep 13, 2021
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Hi guys!

I've been a longtime lurker on SDN and have appreciated all of the awesome advice! I was hoping to pose a question, I hope any PDs, aPDs, faculty will take a few moments to respond (and anyone with experience!). I am applying to nephro-crit and am off-cycle. I have only done a few interviews so far and am realizing that due to my own reasons I may need to take a year, do hospitalist and apply for next cycle. My question is: is it better to interview and then ask the program to consider me for next year or cancel the interviews this year? I don't want to tick off programs and am not certain how to proceed! Thank you!!

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Hi guys!

I've been a longtime lurker on SDN and have appreciated all of the awesome advice! I was hoping to pose a question, I hope any PDs, aPDs, faculty will take a few moments to respond (and anyone with experience!). I am applying to nephro-crit and am off-cycle. I have only done a few interviews so far and am realizing that due to my own reasons I may need to take a year, do hospitalist and apply for next cycle. My question is: is it better to interview and then ask the program to consider me for next year or cancel the interviews this year? I don't want to tick off programs and am not certain how to proceed! Thank you!!
I would recommend you cancel existing interviews in a polite fashion. PDs can’t promise future spots and generally don’t like interviewing people who have no interest in enrolling in the program. I’d make sure in your email/phone call to let them know you are still interested in the program and will be applying in the future but due to unforeseen circumstances had to make alternative arrangements for this year.
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