Cushy Remote/Telepsychiatry Jobs?

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Do such part-time remote/telehpsychiatry jobs exist that are non-outpatient psychiatry jobs?

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Such a job exists, I'm sure. Whether people would go about bragging about it's existence to others who might take the job from them is another question.
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Such a job exists, I'm sure. Whether people would go about bragging about it's existence to others who might take the job from them is another question.

I was more curious about details about such assignments rather than location and salary information.
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I am also looking for a remote job, but to start next year. It has been harder than I thought so far. Have been looking for probably 3 weeks now. All offers (which are not many) are pretty bad.
Yeah they're going to generally be bad. The details are going to include extremely rural locations with extremely limited on site support followed by very limited availability of local resources for patients post discharge. And yes, pay will be low because the employment pool is the entire country.
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Yeah they're going to generally be bad. The details are going to include extremely rural locations with extremely limited on site support followed by very limited availability of local resources for patients post discharge. And yes, pay will be low because the employment pool is the entire country.
*entire pool of people registered to practice medicine in that jurisdiction/state that are interested in remote psych work.
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The telehealth inpatient jobs (consults and ED mostly, occasional inpatient) sound like meat grinders with **** schedules. Part time is available, but when I was looking around the part time 1099 option was super low ball pay. You could theoretically make decent money work full time, but they considered full time to be 40 patient facing hours a week, and because it's hospital work they need you to cover a certain amount of swing, overnight, and weekend shifts every month. Because these are private equity, for profit companies, and they sell themselves to hospitals as 24/7 coverage, it means that 24/7 coverage is you working some portion of crap hours. And from my perspective the pay isn't adequate for the work.

IMO, the people who take these jobs place a high value on working remote and accept the bad schedule and lower pay than they're worth. Also I think a lot of this is the all-too-common locums experience of doctors who can't last longer than 3 months at a regular job before they start having issues, but if they're telehealth covering 20 different hospitals, they're not consistently working in any one place to get found out. And, from what I've seen, poor care is the norm--and hospital admin doesn't care. Quick and dirty consults where every patient is recommended for admission. Delirium is diagnosed as psychosis NOS-->admit to psych.

In closing, I hope you can find what you're looking for.
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I have seen this happen when someone started in person, transitioned to remote during the pandemic and managed to not go back while still keeping the job. May not be a very replicable path though!
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I have one. I make 2200 dollars flat. I see er and floor consults. Days have ranged between 2-5 consults. I do this in addition to my day job.
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I have one. I make 2200 dollars flat. I see er and floor consults. Days have ranged between 2-5 consults. I do this in addition to my day job.

Is this in California? Did you find it by network or company/recruiter?
Is this in California? Did you find it by network or company/recruiter?
Networking. There's like four of us who cover the whole month and I'm hesitant to divide up the shifts any more so I haven't advertised the job around here. I think networking always and talking to nearly every recruiter who contacts has been a fruitful method for me.
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