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Jan 30, 2018
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Applied for a night shift position with CVS and I hit submit, the rejection email was sent to me right that moment. I’m not sure if I’m on the company’s black list or something.

or is it possible that I am being rejected because I did a video interview about a month ago for an infusion pharmacy job with CVS ...which is still pending...

can Anyone explain why they’ll reject an applicant immediately ?

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i think its something like if you get rejected for one positon, you wont be able to apply to anything else for 6 months. its something really stupid.
at least thats what was explaineed to me
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This must be something new. Wait 6 months is brutal...
Thanks for your help.
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I've always emailed the DMs directly, never bothered applying online. I'm not sure how things have changed though.
I've always emailed the DMs directly, never bothered applying online. I'm not sure how things have changed though.

That’s how I got my job with them in the past. Emailed the DM. Now, they won’t even write back to acknowledge they have received your email. Won’t blame them.
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not new, that happened to me back in 2012 when i tried to get intern position at cvs lol

wow, since 2012 ?
It just doesn’t make sense. What if a position that best fits your needs come up after you submitted your application for another job already ?
Usually better to get in touch with a DM directly; not all those posts are accurate/up to date (many can be positions posted for internal transfers and/or updates on titles/positions)
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The six months ruled applied to a tech I wanted to hire. They didn't pass the virtual job tryout and I couldn't hire him.
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That’s how I got my job with them in the past. Emailed the DM. Now, they won’t even write back to acknowledge they have received your email. Won’t blame them.

Now that I think about it, they didn't respond to my emails either. However they did pickup the phone when I called them and that's how I got my job.

You used to work there? Why don't you give your former DM a call? If you're applying for a different district, you can easily get the DM's contact info.
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Now that I think about it, they didn't respond to my emails either. However they did pickup the phone when I called them and that's how I got my job.

You used to work there? Why don't you give your former DM a call? If you're applying for a different district, you can easily get the DM's contact info.

I relocated since then and my former DM is now a staff pharmacist.
May be will see if calling does the trick.
I relocated since then and my former DM is now a staff pharmacist.
May be will see if calling does the trick.

I find that most DMs are middle aged men who prefer to do things old school. They hate writing and responding to emails.
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I relocated since then and my former DM is now a staff pharmacist.
May be will see if calling does the trick.

Mine too!

Actually of the many sups and DMs I had about half are now back on the bench and the other half separated with the company.
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The six months ruled applied to a tech I wanted to hire. They didn't pass the virtual job tryout and I couldn't hire him.

Yes I did not even know that until a certain DM mentioned it and it makes sense now that you have said it too.

how do I know when my six month wait time is up ?
I find that most DMs are middle aged men who prefer to do things old school. They hate writing and responding to emails.

Emails and texts generate a paper trail.
Most field managers don't want any evidence they said something by text or email as it can be used against them in the future.

Calling is also easier as it is easy to overlook emails.
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