Dartmouth residency lawsuits

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Haven't read every word of the thread, and I won't.

You can't accomodate everyone's issues in some jobs. Don't have 20/20 vision? You can't fly a a military aircraft for insatnce. If you can't walk, you can't be a fire-fighter. If you lack the spatial reasoning and mathematical skills, you can't be a theoretical physicist.

Part of the job of medicine is working long freaking hours and too often at night. For better or worse this has been mitigated some with the new work hours, but when you're out of training and it's your call, your hospital, ED, group, etc, will expect you to handle whatever business needs to be handled for patients who acutely need a physicians skill set, and that means nights.

I can't say I feel too sorry of these folks. What next, sue neurosurgery because they accomodate your lack of hands or sue radiology because they won't accomodate your lack of sight?!

No one is keeping these people from working. They have simply demonstrated they cannot work in medicine in the field they initially chose. Done.

aaaaaand boom goes the dynamite

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Haven't read every word of the thread, and I won't.

You can't accomodate everyone's issues in some jobs. Don't have 20/20 vision? You can't fly a a military aircraft for insatnce. If you can't walk, you can't be a fire-fighter. If you lack the spatial reasoning and mathematical skills, you can't be a theoretical physicist.

Part of the job of medicine is working long freaking hours and too often at night. For better or worse this has been mitigated some with the new work hours, but when you're out of training and it's your call, your hospital, ED, group, etc, will expect you to handle whatever business needs to be handled for patients who acutely need a physicians skill set, and that means nights.

I can't say I feel too sorry of these folks. What next, sue neurosurgery because they accomodate your lack of hands or sue radiology because they won't accomodate your lack of sight?!

No one is keeping these people from working. They have simply demonstrated they cannot work in medicine in the field they initially chose. Done.

Thanks for putting my same thoughts into words.
Haven't read every word of the thread, and I won't.

You can't accomodate everyone's issues in some jobs. Don't have 20/20 vision? You can't fly a a military aircraft for insatnce. If you can't walk, you can't be a fire-fighter. If you lack the spatial reasoning and mathematical skills, you can't be a theoretical physicist.

Part of the job of medicine is working long freaking hours and too often at night. For better or worse this has been mitigated some with the new work hours, but when you're out of training and it's your call, your hospital, ED, group, etc, will expect you to handle whatever business needs to be handled for patients who acutely need a physicians skill set, and that means nights.

I can't say I feel too sorry of these folks. What next, sue neurosurgery because they accomodate your lack of hands or sue radiology because they won't accomodate your lack of sight?!

No one is keeping these people from working. They have simply demonstrated they cannot work in medicine in the field they initially chose. Done.


My father was an attack pilot who flew many missions during Vietnam but when he developed presbyopia in his 40s he never moaned and whined about how unfair that was that he could no longer fly jets.

When I realized that I didn't have the physical attributes to make it as a professional ballerina I didn't blame the Jofrey and expect them to accommodate me and my excess of height when en pointe.

Life's not fair.
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What does working long hours and at night have anything to do with "medicine"?

You might as well replace "hooking" with "medicine"

Just cause youve been punked out to work crap conditions for the measly 5% of the almost 3 trillion dollar healthcare gdp does not make you a hero. It makes you a punk because passive investors on wall st, and many others sucking up that pie, who have no healthcare skills and serve no utility in the transactions that make up that gdp are using u like a sucker.

I mean if you want to believe that working yourself through the many mindless tasks that make up the job of a physician is actual medicine to maintain a good opinion of yourself than have fun

My father was an attack pilot who flew many missions during Vietnam but when he developed presbyopia in his 40s he never moaned and whined about how unfair that was that he could no longer fly jets.

When I realized that I didn't have the physical attributes to make it as a professional ballerina I didn't blame the Jofrey and expect them to accommodate me and my excess of height when en pointe.

Life's not fair.

And the analogy of a vietnam pilot not crying over not being able to drop agent orange or performing search and destroy missions on vietnamese in their flip flops is truly bravo!

His technical flight skills arent much to perform those missions, as the vietnamese had no fighter jets or air power of their own to contend with

His squinting at women and children on the ground to shoot was truly a noble gesture, and a horror that he can longer relive these experiences with a joy flight.

In retrospect, though, its an accurate analogy in that both the pilot and burned out physician were suckered into their unsatisfactory state of affairs (gulf of tankun) but decide to ignore that fact because they got ego despite being to chicken to rectify their situation directly
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And the analogy of a vietnam pilot not crying over not being able to drop agent orange or performing search and destroy missions on vietnamese in their flip flops is truly bravo!

His technical flight skills arent much to perform those missions, as the vietnamese had no fighter jets or air power of their own to contend with

Man, you've posted something so idiotic that it can best be answered by an article from cracked.com:

"Sure, much of the Vietnam War was fought in the muck, but a whole damn lot of it was fought in the air ... where the Vietnamese were really,*really good. So
good, in fact, that the real-world training program portrayed in*Top Gun*was started to deal with the*Vietnamese Air Force. Not the Nazis. Not the Soviets. The Vietnamese. Which is especially impressive considering that they didn't form their first*squadron until 1964. By 1965, Vietnamese planes had claimed their first victory -- one that pitted eight Russian-built MiGs against*79 American planes. And the clunky MiGs shot down two F-105s. And that was before the Vietnamese got slick new MiG-21s from Uncle Brezhnev.Somebody translate "Danger Zone" into Vietnamese.By the end of the war, the top American ace had six kills, while the top Vietnamese had nine. And more than that, the Americans only had three aces in the entire war. Vietnam*had 17. When all was said and done, the Vietnamese lost a total of*131 planes. The Americans lost over 2,000. This killer record ranked Vietnam as one of the most successful air forces in the world, coming behind only the USA, the USSR, and Israel."

They lost 131 if thats accurate cause thats all they had during the entire war which did in no way destroy 2k us aircrafts!

Maybe you should read up on the military history of the vietname war, the US controlled the skies for all practical purposes unopposed which they used against the guerrilla warfare posed by the north, as well as indiscriminate bombings and toxins like agent orange. These arent disputed facts by either side. The war was covered on TV for years with thousands of hours of video showing this.

They didnt form the NVAF till like 65 with a few planes that they kept in china initially, made almost no offensive strikes in south vietnamese territory till the end, and maybe tens of encounters. America disengaged in 73.

Some propaganda about a fictional north vietnamese red baron so the air force could beef up their budget and military spending is just nonsense

Your dad is probably a tranny vietnamese hooker who lost his site from getting j/o in the face too much

Awesome reference, article called the "5 most secretly badass countries" yea man that north vietnamese was was the most well funded, well equipped badass terminator country around. Or at least top 5...secretly
Dude what is with the topic u posted
"Last Sunday I was planning on going into EM. On Monday I found out that wouldn't happen in the near future. On Wednesday I was offered an spot at an anesthesiology residency.

Other than the areas that overlap with EM (mostly airway stuff and lines, I guess) my anesthesia knowledge base is pretty minimal. I feel like I don't even know what I don't know, if you see what I mean. Incidentally, I am about to finish my M4 year with an anesthesiology elective. Any suggestions on really basic intro-level reading material?"

You wanted to go into EM, didnt happen, but got offered an anesthesiology residency. But luckily both fields utilize the airway, so u just need to read beyond that?
This is fun.

Anyway, here's Wikipedia instead of cracked:

All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft: 1,737 to hostile action, and 514 in accidents. 110 of the losses were helicopters and the rest fixed-wing. A ratio of roughly 0.4 losses per 1,000 sorties compared favorably with a 2.0 rate in Korea and the 9.7 figure during World War II.[1]

Incidentally, I'm not sure what the air war in Vietnam has to do with my success or lack thereof in the match.
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What does working long hours and at night have anything to do with "medicine"?

Everything. Though you don't necessarily have to always work long hours or at night, you need to be able to do. Heart attacks, sepsis, DKA, car accidents, etc. don't only occur during the 9-5 missing weekends and holidays. If you can't handle your professional responsibilities, you can't work as a physician. It's pretty simple, and I'm more than a little surprised even you can't do the math here.

Just cause youve been punked out to work crap conditions for the measly 5% of the almost 3 trillion dollar healthcare gdp does not make you a hero. It makes you a punk because passive investors on wall st, and many others sucking up that pie, who have no healthcare skills and serve no utility in the transactions that make up that gdp are using u like a sucker.

I mean if you want to believe that working yourself through the many mindless tasks that make up the job of a physician is actual medicine to maintain a good opinion of yourself than have fun

Wow. So much strawman. Try and keep up with the point being made and try less to project your own self loathing onto others. Maybe go to a meeting or something. You seem mad.
And the analogy of a vietnam pilot not crying over not being able to drop agent orange or performing search and destroy missions on vietnamese in their flip flops is truly bravo!

His technical flight skills arent much to perform those missions, as the vietnamese had no fighter jets or air power of their own to contend with

His squinting at women and children on the ground to shoot was truly a noble gesture, and a horror that he can longer relive these experiences with a joy flight.

In retrospect, though, its an accurate analogy in that both the pilot and burned out physician were suckered into their unsatisfactory state of affairs (gulf of tankun) but decide to ignore that fact because they got ego despite being to chicken to rectify their situation directly

How does a person miss the point so bad and also still manage to hate on the military so hard in the same sentence? It's almost poetry.

Like idiot savant poetry.
What does working long hours and at night have anything to do with "medicine"?

You might as well replace "hooking" with "medicine"

Just cause youve been punked out to work crap conditions for the measly 5% of the almost 3 trillion dollar healthcare gdp does not make you a hero. It makes you a punk because passive investors on wall st, and many others sucking up that pie, who have no healthcare skills and serve no utility in the transactions that make up that gdp are using u like a sucker.

I mean if you want to believe that working yourself through the many mindless tasks that make up the job of a physician is actual medicine to maintain a good opinion of yourself than have fun

The fact that the government is an ineffective stuart of healthcare resources really has nothing to do with whether or not people get sick at night. I would hope that anyone choosing to become a physician would attempt to perform that job to the best of his ability. I understand choosing to leave/not go into medicine because of the problems in the system. I do not understand stating that because there are problems the individual physician shouldn't do a good job.
Just cause youve been punked out to work crap conditions for the measly 5% of the almost 3 trillion dollar healthcare gdp does not make you a hero. It makes you a punk because passive investors on wall st, and many others sucking up that pie, who have no healthcare skills and serve no utility in the transactions that make up that gdp are using u like a sucker.

I mean if you want to believe that working yourself through the many mindless tasks that make up the job of a physician is actual medicine to maintain a good opinion of yourself than have fun

Too bad you're so cynical about the state of medicine in this country. Yeah, I know that the system sucks, but if the so-called mindless tasks I do every day and at odd hours benefit the patient, then why shouldn't I keep doing them? And no, I don't do it because I think I'm a hero, nor does any other physician. We do it because its the right thing to do.
And the reason we have to be able to work at night or at other odd hours is because that is often when potential badness strikes (i.e. acute MI, septic shock, etc...)
Dude what is with the topic u posted
"Last Sunday I was planning on going into EM. On Monday I found out that wouldn't happen in the near future. On Wednesday I was offered an spot at an anesthesiology residency.

Other than the areas that overlap with EM (mostly airway stuff and lines, I guess) my anesthesia knowledge base is pretty minimal. I feel like I don't even know what I don't know, if you see what I mean. Incidentally, I am about to finish my M4 year with an anesthesiology elective. Any suggestions on really basic intro-level reading material?"

You wanted to go into EM, didnt happen, but got offered an anesthesiology residency. But luckily both fields utilize the airway, so u just need to read beyond that?

Better post as much as you can bc you're on your way to getting smacked by the banhammer.
As a reminder, please keep it civil. Attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. If this thread can't get back to a more relevant, polite discussion, it will be closed.
1. Debate definition of a disability.
2. Instead of bringing up the evils of Hitler, bring up a different 50 year old war?
3. ...
4. Profit?
1. Debate definition of a disability.
2. Instead of bringing up the evils of Hitler, bring up a different 50 year old war AND THREATEN THE "BANHAMMER"?
3. ...
4. Profit?