DAT Breakdown (26AA/26TS/23PAT)

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Power of Purrsuasion
7+ Year Member
Dec 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, I took DAT about a week ago and thought I would share my experience here. My scores are mid but hope it helps
  • Scores
    • Bio: 25
    • Gen Chem: 26
    • Ochem: 26
    • QR: 30
    • RC: 21
    • PAT: 23
  • Background
    • 4th year in Texas public university, Bio major
    • 3.945 cGPA, 3.965 sGPA
    • Courses I took before DAT: Biochem 1/2, Genetics, Molecular Cell Biology
    • I did NOT take Anatomy & Physiology prior to DAT. I'm taking it on this semester
  • Study timeline
    • 5 weeks during winterbreak, studied about 11 hr/day, had 4 day breaks in between
      • 1 week of 1st round bio review: read feralis notes with highlighting
      • 1 week of 2nd round bio review: read feralis notes with notetaking. Instead of writing boring linear notes, I drew mind map and tried to understand how each topic relates to one another to get the big picture. I also studied little details too but not sure how effective was that
      • 1 week of bio cheat sheet review, GC, OC review: I wrote the topics from the cheat sheet and tested myself to explain the whole thing. For GC and OC, I watched chad's video and worked on the bio bits
      • 10 days of booster FL practice exam every day: it was tough but helped me build stamina. Took FL in the morning and reviewed them afternoon
  • Study material
    • DAT booster: 10/10, their practice exams were harder than the real DAT. I got at least 1-2points higher on the real DAT than booster practice exam average
    • Chad's free video for GC/OC: 10/10, used this to review GC/OC, and I think he explains concepts in a very digestible form, so that helped me a lot to refresh things I learned from freshman/sophomore years
    • Bootcamp's free practice exam: not sure how much it helped me lol it was only one exam so I don't have much things to say about it
  • Bio (booster avg: 24, real dat: 25)
    • Cheatsheet is enough to get 20ish on the real DAT, but if you want more than that, make sure you read over topics that show up on practice exam but not on the cheat sheet
    • Do not try to memorize everything on the Feralis notes. Try to get big picture first and fill out the lil details
    • I did not use Anki or quizlet
  • Genchem (booster avg: 23, real dat: 26)
    • Real DAT was easier than the ones on booster. I did not get any complicated calculation questions or balancing redox on real DAT
    • Try to understand every single questions on booster practice exam. Those are enough to get you 25+
  • Ochem (bosoter avg: 24, real dat: 26)
    • I can't say much for the Ochem because I remembered some of the mechanisms from my undergrad ochem class, and watching chad's video was enough for me to refresh the memory
    • TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE MECHANISM rather than simply memorizing the reagents/products. Understanding the mechanism will save lots of time
  • PAT (booster avg: 23, real dat: 23)
    • I did not study PAT until my practice exam phase. I just watched videos about keyhole and holepunch and took practice exams
  • RC (booster avg: 22, real dat: 21)
    • It was expected lmao. Don't know what else to say
  • QR (booster avg: 24, real dat: 30)
    • I did not study QR until my practice exam phase. I mean I skimmed through booster QR formula sheet but that was it lmao. Formula sheet is enough to ace the QR imo
    • QR on booster was harder than the real DAT
  • Ending Advice
    • I know how stressful it can be but just remember everyone is going thru the same thing and you are not alone
    • Try to spread the study timeline. I've never crammed for exams before but I wanted to get done with DAT so bad so I decided to cram them during winterbreak. It worked out at the end but let me tell ya it was not easy. I literally cried while I was studying cuz my butt hurt so much from sitting down 11+ hours. Plan it out early and try to avoid what I did
    • Having someone or something like religion to rely on is important imo. I don't wanna talk about religion here but if it weren't God I wouldn't have been able to survive this and get 26

    • DAT.jpg

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