DAT Breakdown - 26AA, 26TS, 26PAT

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Gustavo dos Santos

Full Member
5+ Year Member
Nov 19, 2019
Reaction score
Wanted to add my breakdown not because I did anything super unique while studying but because of useful breakdown information from DAT Destroyer that I couldn't really find anywhere else. Hopefully the score information or # correct from DAT destroyer is helpful for people wondering where they stand.

PAT - 26
QR - 30
RC - 19
BIO - 30
GChem - 22
Ochem - 29
TS - 26
AA - 26

I spent a total of 390 hours studying for this test starting at the beginning of January and Took my DAT May 9. I spent most evenings studying for the DAT but also set up my schedule so that it was relatively light. Also, I was originally scheduled for the end of March and 144hrs came after my initial test date once the Covid delays started happening so thats why my hours are likely higher than most.

All materials used and rating:
PAT - PAT Booster 10/10
QR - Math Destroyer 10/10
RC - nothing really (my score reflects this, but also I've always struggled with timed reading tests (my lowest score on the ACT) and a lot of it is mental at this point)
BIO - DAT Destroyer 10/10, Feralis Notes 10/10, Dynomite Bio Review 10/10, DAT Bootcamp Biology notes 8/10 (free, and not the Biology bootcamp thats way too long)
OCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10
GCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10

A family member bought me a DAT Bootcamp subscription when it was on sale, and I used 5 of the practice tests just to get the feel of a 5.5hr exam, and I used 2 of Mike's gen chem videos.

PAT: 26
Total Hours spent on PAT - 13hrs
Practice PAT Booster test scores (in order, only did 1-5): 22/24/24/21/22

My strategy: I would start every test and jump to Question 31 (the first angle ranking question) and would go from here. 31-90, then I would start on 16-30 (TFE) and would do Key Hole last. The last portion of the test I thought I could do much faster than Keyhole and TFE. I would work quickly and would usually have about 25 minutes for the last 2 sections, but also I knew that these were the two where I would miss the most, so if I had to guess I wanted to make sure it was on Key Hole questions not on cube counting or pattern folding.

Angle Ranking: (usually scored 12/15 on generators and similarly on practice tests) PAT Booster has some useful strategies on how to do this, but it just takes practice. Let the answers guide you here. If you see that all of the answers have either 2 or 4 as the smallest, only compare those two and then move on to 1 vs 3. Also, when a new question popped up I would try to quickly find the smallest angle, what my gut reaction was and work from their based on the answers. Move fast through this section and trust your instinct, use your strategies (laptop, wedge, etc.).

Hole Punch: (scored 15/15 on generators and practice tests) You should aim to get every hole punch question correct. Everything you need to get it right is on the screen and you should spend the time that you just saved up in angle ranking to make sure you are getting as close to 100% as possible. I drew grids for every single one and marked on the grid as I worked backwards from the right panel.

Cube Counting: (scored 14/15 or 15/15 on practice tests and generators) Draw your table, watch for tricky missing cubes and try to consistently get 15/15 on generators and practices. I would count every cube, mark it in my table, and then answer all of the questions for that model. Again, PAT Booster was great.

Pattern Folding: (Varied between 10/15 and 14/15 on test and generators) No real strategy here, just practice with PAT Booster.

TFE: (Scored between 10/15 to 14/15 )

Key Hole: (7/10 to 10/10 usually) - Again, this was the hardest section in PAT and I knew I was going to miss a lot so I always made sure I did it last in case I ran out of time and had to guess.

Overall PAT booster was harder than the real thing IMO. I only had one rock and the other keyholes seemed more obvious than the small differences that PAT Booster shows, all of the Cube counting and hole punches were straight forward. Pattern folding was more simple shapes and only 1 or 2 crazy models. Same thing with TFE.

QR: 30
Total hours spent on QR - 33.5hrs
Math Destroyer 2020 Test Scores (in order 1-13): 25/40 , 31/40, 38/40, 35/40, 33/40, 31/40, 35/40, 38/40, 34/40, 34/40, 33/40, 36/40, 24/40
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 20/17/20/24/19

I used Math Destroyer for this and felt the practice was very realistic (harder than the real DAT, but great exposure to all the problem types you'll see). I went through each test timed to get a feel for working quickly. Im not sure if this is a section people often neglect, but I think there is the most bang for your buck studying here. The biggest thing is timing and in order to get past the timing you need to have seen the types of questions you will see on the real thing before hand. Most of the questions are algebra or probability and I'm sure most of us, given the time, could figure out the answer to most questions. But because of the time constraint, you need to be able to see the question and know exactly what you are going to do AND exactly what mistakes you made on past problems like this and how to avoid them.

For example, You see a "you choose two cards from the deck without replacement, what the probability they will be the same suit" type question. Hopefully you've remembered that the first card doesnt matter (youve seen a question like this before) and the second card is without replacement so its not /52 like you did last time.

Going through Math Destroyer I felt like I was exposed to every type of question that I saw on the real DAT. I can honestly say that every single question I saw I knew exactly what to do because I had seen similar questions like it in Math Destroyer, and I knew which mistakes I made in the past and how to avoid them. To help initially, when I was just doing the DAT destroyer QR section I also used some of the Orgoman's QR videos to relearn probability, and shared work problems, etc. There are also useful math formula sheets to look at on the Facebook page.

Other people have said not to rely on the calculator and be able to do things by hand or in your head and approximate. I made sure I could do this, but on the real DAT I used the calculator heavily. Mine was responsive and I didnt have any problems (except not marking questions initially because I had to click out of the calculator first then click the answer). I used my PC calculator whenever I was taking practice test to get used to clicking the buttons. Make sure you are comfortable with Memory Store and Memory Recover because it can save you a ton of time.

RC: 19
Total Hours spent - 1hr (doesnt include bootcamp practice tests)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 27/25/28/24/25

Other people have talked about their strategies. On the DAT Bootcamp practice tests that I did I averaged about 25 in this section. That being said, I spent no time prepping for this section outside of those 5 practice tests. The biggest difference between the real DAT and those bootcamp tests were that there were significantly fewer tone questions on the real thing. That being said I've always struggled with reading sections on standardized tests and always get flustered when I check the clock and see that I've gone two paragraphs and its been 4 minutes.

My strategy was to try and quickly read the whole passage while marking key words and making mental notes of what each paragraph was about (10-12 minutes) then with the remaining 8-10 minutes I would go through the questions, remember the paragraphs that talked about this, find my highlighted keywords and answer. This worked great in DAT Bootcamp practice tests 1-5.

SO here is what happened on the real thing. I got my first passage and it was the longest of the 3. I didn't realize that until after passage 3, but that psyched me out initially. Seeing how long it was I started to question If I would have time to read all 3 passages and tried to sort of do search and destroy. I read the question and would scan the paragraphs for the keywords. This felt really frantic and added to my stress, especially when I was on problem 4 after 7 minutes. Needless to say I tried to power through the next 13 questions to get to the next passage.

Passage 2 was shorter and I had to mentally check myself because I could tell I did really poorly on passage 1. I went back to my strategy (quickly read the whole thing and mark as I went, mental note of each paragraphs content) This worked really well for me here, I felt really confident with all of my answers and that carried over into the last passage. By the time I finished passage 3 I had about 4 minutes left. I tried to go back over passage 1, but again it was just frantic search and destroy that obviously didnt work out for me.

Key take away from this: Find a strategy that works for you, forget all other strategies and stick with it. If you took some practice test and did well with that strategy and the timing was fine you'll be OK on the DAT. I had more time left over than any other practice exam I took, but not enough to redo an entire section. You need to be on your A game at the start and stick to what has made you successful in the past. The practice exams are harder than the real thing, so you'll probably have more time left over at the end than you think, so dont freak out like I did.

BIO - 30
Total hours spent - 138hrs
DAT Destroyer Bio #correct - 1st pass - 558/782 (71%) 2nd pass - 684/782 (87%) 3rd pass - 744/782 (95%)
Bootcamp practice tests (1-5) - 24/30/24/24/24

For this section you need to find out what works for you. Initially I tried flashcards. First I tried DAT Bootcamp's free flashcards but those were garbage. Half of the flashcards seemed too specific or you were memorizing a list just to memorize a list. Next I tried making my own flashcards using Anki but this took up way too much time staying on top of my deck and adding to it. Again, i felt like I was just memorizing stuff and didnt really have a working knowledge of the concepts.

At this point I took a step back and decided to just read bio notes and do practice questions. There were still things I committed to memory, but I committed them to memory by answering questions and reviewing answers and filling in gaps with videos and notes when I didn't know something.

So starting here, I read through the Dynamite Bio review. Its 560 pages but its a really quick read. Its very conversational and is really good for the most part. It can be a little bit scattered at times but thats easy to get past. I used this as a basic review. Cemented the things I already knew and exposed me to the stuff I didnt. This took me about 2 weeks. I started working through DAT Destroyer questions at this point while still reviewing notes. During my first pass of DAT destroyer I was reading Feralis notes simultaneously. Spent more time trying to memorize the broad picture and fill in the small details with questions and the notes. Feralis is really great. Everything is there, its just dry and less accessible than Dynamite Bio. If you can get past that it is great.

Next I used the free Bootcamp Bio notes (not the bio bootcamp academy, there was way too much info in that and it seemed really long), I marked up these notes and added stuff that I felt was missing.

My second pass through DAT Destroyer I only did questions and watched Khan Academy videos for things I was still confused on. After this pass I added more to my Bootcamp Bio Notes PDF and reviewed that again.

My third pass through DAT destoryer I did the week before I took my DAT. During that week I also reread all of the Dynamite review. This last minute cram was great for me, and There are questions I know I would've gotten wrong had I not seen that information the day before when I was quickly rereading Dynamite Bio.

GChem - 22
Total hours spent - 78
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 318/447 (71%) 2nd pass - 388/447 (87%) 3rd pass - 405/447 (90%)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 25/23/30/25/22

I watched Chad's videos for review. I took detailed notes on stuff that I had forgotten, and lighter notes on things that I still remembered. After this initial review I started working on problems in the DAT Destroyer over and over and never really went back over my notes until the week before the test or if there was a specific concept I didn't understand. I used Khan Academy videos for help here as well. On the real DAT I know I missed at least 2 questions. One I messed up significant figures because I was going too fast, the other was pOH vs pH (again because I was going too fast).

Ochem - 29
Total Hours spent - 57
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 247/405 (61%) 2nd pass - 344/405 (85%) 3rd pass - 382/405 (94%)
Bootcamp Practice tests (1-5) - 30/23/24/30/23

Ochem 1&2 were 2 of my favorite classes. I was in ochem 2 this past semester so my first pass through DAT destroyer I hadnt really covered any of ochem 2 aside from EAS and diels-alder stuff. For review I watched Chad's videos and took notes on everything and just worked problems. I printed out Chad's reaction sheet and wrote some notes on there, but everything from Ochem 1 and 2 was still fresh since I took Ochem 2 this past semester and Ochem 1 the semester before that. Just work through the Destroyer problems. I found it helpful knowing mechanisms (or at least generally what was going on) instead of just trying to memorize products. This also helped when I saw something I wasn't familiar with because I could walk through a plausible mechanism.

For the GenChem and OChem I feel like you just need to see as many problems as possible. Understand the main concepts and then just keep practicing.

DAT Bootcamp Practice tests and other free practice tests (Chad/Orgoman): 30 hrs on tests 30 hours on reviewing all concepts i got wrong in depth
I did this after I had passed through DAT Destroyer once and was working on a second time. Took one every weekend for 5 weeks just to get the feel for timed tests. I would not pay $500 for Bootcamp and the only reason I used it is because someone else bought it for me when it was on sale as a study gift. Their free stuff is ok, but I dont think its worth $500 considering you can get better material for every section for less. Find other free tests just to expose you to timing and as many questions/ways of testing the material as possible.

Test Day:
Everything was easier than Destroyer and bootcamp which was really refreshing. Bio will be a little jarring because there may be things you haven't seen or didn't study or forgot or something that was a minor detail. Thats just the name of the game. There is a ton to cover there and they can ask you anything. Just do your best, use the bio review notes and DAT Destroyer and just hit them over and over again. I had seen every problem type that I got in GChem and Ochem so there was nothing new there, just dumb mistakes. QR was just an easier version of the Math Destroyer tests. Again, every question I saw on my test I had seen a similar problem in Math Destroyer and the only differences were the values.

Overall: (& DAT Booster)
I would Highly recommend the DAT Destroyer/Math Destroyer Bundle. I would highly recommend PAT Booster
(this was $90 for me I think) and for $200 I would almost certainly pay for their new service DAT Booster if I had to start again. (I took their free Bio test and it felt really good, similar to their PAT in that it was harder but very close to the real thing, and their Chemistry notes look good, also Feralis is doing their Bio and Feralis' Bio Notes had everything you needed but just felt inaccessible because of format). DAT Booster plus DAT/Math Destroyer will cost you $400 together, so you are saving $100 by not going with Bootcamp and you are getting better, up to date review content in all sections plus you get some timed practice tests if you want them. If I was to start over that Is what I would buy.

Anyway, I hope the # correct and practice test scores are somewhat helpful so you can know where you stand. Also seeing the hours I spent studying versus where you are at. I couldn't really find any of that information so

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Awesome scores! Yep, not terribly unique resources but definitely confirms the DAT trinity that is DAT bootcamp, DAT Destroyer, and Math Destroyer. Can't praise those resources enough. I love that you calculated the perfect correct for each pass through Destroyer. Seeing the uptick is definitely inspiring.

Were you wearing masks in the test center? If so, "working under pressure while wearing PPE" can go on your resume.

I also share your sentiments regarding Bootcamp. Their price is getting way too steep so the new competition from DAT Booster is good to see.
Awesome scores! Yep, not terribly unique resources but definitely confirms the DAT trinity that is DAT bootcamp, DAT Destroyer, and Math Destroyer. Can't praise those resources enough. I love that you calculated the perfect correct for each pass through Destroyer. Seeing the uptick is definitely inspiring.

Were you wearing masks in the test center? If so, "working under pressure while wearing PPE" can go on your resume.

I also share your sentiments regarding Bootcamp. Their price is getting way too steep so the new competition from DAT Booster is good to see.
I was pretty nervous going in and the mask definitely didn’t help. It was a little hard to breath when I first sat down haha
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I was pretty nervous going in and the mask definitely didn’t help. It was a little hard to breath when I first sat down haha
When I was starting my test, I noticed how greasy the mouse felt. Eww. That upped my nervousness quite a bit when I took it end of February and the virus was just spreading. Can't imagine how I'd fare right now.
Wanted to add my breakdown not because I did anything super unique while studying but because of useful breakdown information from DAT Destroyer that I couldn't really find anywhere else. Hopefully the score information or # correct from DAT destroyer is helpful for people wondering where they stand.

PAT - 26
QR - 30
RC - 19
BIO - 30
GChem - 22
Ochem - 29
TS - 26
AA - 26

I spent a total of 390 hours studying for this test starting at the beginning of January and Took my DAT May 9. I spent most evenings studying for the DAT but also set up my schedule so that it was relatively light. Also, I was originally scheduled for the end of March and 144hrs came after my initial test date once the Covid delays started happening so thats why my hours are likely higher than most.

All materials used and rating:
PAT - PAT Booster 10/10
QR - Math Destroyer 10/10
RC - nothing really (my score reflects this, but also I've always struggled with timed reading tests (my lowest score on the ACT) and a lot of it is mental at this point)
BIO - DAT Destroyer 10/10, Feralis Notes 10/10, Dynomite Bio Review 10/10, DAT Bootcamp Biology notes 8/10 (free, and not the Biology bootcamp thats way too long)
OCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10
GCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10

A family member bought me a DAT Bootcamp subscription when it was on sale, and I used 5 of the practice tests just to get the feel of a 5.5hr exam, and I used 2 of Mike's gen chem videos.

PAT: 26
Total Hours spent on PAT - 13hrs
Practice PAT Booster test scores (in order, only did 1-5): 22/24/24/21/22

My strategy: I would start every test and jump to Question 31 (the first angle ranking question) and would go from here. 31-90, then I would start on 16-30 (TFE) and would do Key Hole last. The last portion of the test I thought I could do much faster than Keyhole and TFE. I would work quickly and would usually have about 25 minutes for the last 2 sections, but also I knew that these were the two where I would miss the most, so if I had to guess I wanted to make sure it was on Key Hole questions not on cube counting or pattern folding.

Angle Ranking: (usually scored 12/15 on generators and similarly on practice tests) PAT Booster has some useful strategies on how to do this, but it just takes practice. Let the answers guide you here. If you see that all of the answers have either 2 or 4 as the smallest, only compare those two and then move on to 1 vs 3. Also, when a new question popped up I would try to quickly find the smallest angle, what my gut reaction was and work from their based on the answers. Move fast through this section and trust your instinct, use your strategies (laptop, wedge, etc.).

Hole Punch: (scored 15/15 on generators and practice tests) You should aim to get every hole punch question correct. Everything you need to get it right is on the screen and you should spend the time that you just saved up in angle ranking to make sure you are getting as close to 100% as possible. I drew grids for every single one and marked on the grid as I worked backwards from the right panel.

Cube Counting: (scored 14/15 or 15/15 on practice tests and generators) Draw your table, watch for tricky missing cubes and try to consistently get 15/15 on generators and practices. I would count every cube, mark it in my table, and then answer all of the questions for that model. Again, PAT Booster was great.

Pattern Folding: (Varied between 10/15 and 14/15 on test and generators) No real strategy here, just practice with PAT Booster.

TFE: (Scored between 10/15 to 14/15 )

Key Hole: (7/10 to 10/10 usually) - Again, this was the hardest section in PAT and I knew I was going to miss a lot so I always made sure I did it last in case I ran out of time and had to guess.

Overall PAT booster was harder than the real thing IMO. I only had one rock and the other keyholes seemed more obvious than the small differences that PAT Booster shows, all of the Cube counting and hole punches were straight forward. Pattern folding was more simple shapes and only 1 or 2 crazy models. Same thing with TFE.

QR: 30
Total hours spent on QR - 33.5hrs
Math Destroyer 2020 Test Scores (in order 1-13): 25/40 , 31/40, 38/40, 35/40, 33/40, 31/40, 35/40, 38/40, 34/40, 34/40, 33/40, 36/40, 24/40
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 20/17/20/24/19

I used Math Destroyer for this and felt the practice was very realistic (harder than the real DAT, but great exposure to all the problem types you'll see). I went through each test timed to get a feel for working quickly. Im not sure if this is a section people often neglect, but I think there is the most bang for your buck studying here. The biggest thing is timing and in order to get past the timing you need to have seen the types of questions you will see on the real thing before hand. Most of the questions are algebra or probability and I'm sure most of us, given the time, could figure out the answer to most questions. But because of the time constraint, you need to be able to see the question and know exactly what you are going to do AND exactly what mistakes you made on past problems like this and how to avoid them.

For example, You see a "you choose two cards from the deck without replacement, what the probability they will be the same suit" type question. Hopefully you've remembered that the first card doesnt matter (youve seen a question like this before) and the second card is without replacement so its not /52 like you did last time.

Going through Math Destroyer I felt like I was exposed to every type of question that I saw on the real DAT. I can honestly say that every single question I saw I knew exactly what to do because I had seen similar questions like it in Math Destroyer, and I knew which mistakes I made in the past and how to avoid them. To help initially, when I was just doing the DAT destroyer QR section I also used some of the Orgoman's QR videos to relearn probability, and shared work problems, etc. There are also useful math formula sheets to look at on the Facebook page.

Other people have said not to rely on the calculator and be able to do things by hand or in your head and approximate. I made sure I could do this, but on the real DAT I used the calculator heavily. Mine was responsive and I didnt have any problems (except not marking questions initially because I had to click out of the calculator first then click the answer). I used my PC calculator whenever I was taking practice test to get used to clicking the buttons. Make sure you are comfortable with Memory Store and Memory Recover because it can save you a ton of time.

RC: 19
Total Hours spent - 1hr (doesnt include bootcamp practice tests)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 27/25/28/24/25

Other people have talked about their strategies. On the DAT Bootcamp practice tests that I did I averaged about 25 in this section. That being said, I spent no time prepping for this section outside of those 5 practice tests. The biggest difference between the real DAT and those bootcamp tests were that there were significantly fewer tone questions on the real thing. That being said I've always struggled with reading sections on standardized tests and always get flustered when I check the clock and see that I've gone two paragraphs and its been 4 minutes.

My strategy was to try and quickly read the whole passage while marking key words and making mental notes of what each paragraph was about (10-12 minutes) then with the remaining 8-10 minutes I would go through the questions, remember the paragraphs that talked about this, find my highlighted keywords and answer. This worked great in DAT Bootcamp practice tests 1-5.

SO here is what happened on the real thing. I got my first passage and it was the longest of the 3. I didn't realize that until after passage 3, but that psyched me out initially. Seeing how long it was I started to question If I would have time to read all 3 passages and tried to sort of do search and destroy. I read the question and would scan the paragraphs for the keywords. This felt really frantic and added to my stress, especially when I was on problem 4 after 7 minutes. Needless to say I tried to power through the next 13 questions to get to the next passage.

Passage 2 was shorter and I had to mentally check myself because I could tell I did really poorly on passage 1. I went back to my strategy (quickly read the whole thing and mark as I went, mental note of each paragraphs content) This worked really well for me here, I felt really confident with all of my answers and that carried over into the last passage. By the time I finished passage 3 I had about 4 minutes left. I tried to go back over passage 1, but again it was just frantic search and destroy that obviously didnt work out for me.

Key take away from this: Find a strategy that works for you, forget all other strategies and stick with it. If you took some practice test and did well with that strategy and the timing was fine you'll be OK on the DAT. I had more time left over than any other practice exam I took, but not enough to redo an entire section. You need to be on your A game at the start and stick to what has made you successful in the past. The practice exams are harder than the real thing, so you'll probably have more time left over at the end than you think, so dont freak out like I did.

BIO - 30
Total hours spent - 138hrs
DAT Destroyer Bio #correct - 1st pass - 558/782 (71%) 2nd pass - 684/782 (87%) 3rd pass - 744/782 (95%)
Bootcamp practice tests (1-5) - 24/30/24/24/24

For this section you need to find out what works for you. Initially I tried flashcards. First I tried DAT Bootcamp's free flashcards but those were garbage. Half of the flashcards seemed too specific or you were memorizing a list just to memorize a list. Next I tried making my own flashcards using Anki but this took up way too much time staying on top of my deck and adding to it. Again, i felt like I was just memorizing stuff and didnt really have a working knowledge of the concepts.

At this point I took a step back and decided to just read bio notes and do practice questions. There were still things I committed to memory, but I committed them to memory by answering questions and reviewing answers and filling in gaps with videos and notes when I didn't know something.

So starting here, I read through the Dynamite Bio review. Its 560 pages but its a really quick read. Its very conversational and is really good for the most part. It can be a little bit scattered at times but thats easy to get past. I used this as a basic review. Cemented the things I already knew and exposed me to the stuff I didnt. This took me about 2 weeks. I started working through DAT Destroyer questions at this point while still reviewing notes. During my first pass of DAT destroyer I was reading Feralis notes simultaneously. Spent more time trying to memorize the broad picture and fill in the small details with questions and the notes. Feralis is really great. Everything is there, its just dry and less accessible than Dynamite Bio. If you can get past that it is great.

Next I used the free Bootcamp Bio notes (not the bio bootcamp academy, there was way too much info in that and it seemed really long), I marked up these notes and added stuff that I felt was missing.

My second pass through DAT Destroyer I only did questions and watched Khan Academy videos for things I was still confused on. After this pass I added more to my Bootcamp Bio Notes PDF and reviewed that again.

My third pass through DAT destoryer I did the week before I took my DAT. During that week I also reread all of the Dynamite review. This last minute cram was great for me, and There are questions I know I would've gotten wrong had I not seen that information the day before when I was quickly rereading Dynamite Bio.

GChem - 22
Total hours spent - 78
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 318/447 (71%) 2nd pass - 388/447 (87%) 3rd pass - 405/447 (90%)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 25/23/30/25/22

I watched Chad's videos for review. I took detailed notes on stuff that I had forgotten, and lighter notes on things that I still remembered. After this initial review I started working on problems in the DAT Destroyer over and over and never really went back over my notes until the week before the test or if there was a specific concept I didn't understand. I used Khan Academy videos for help here as well. On the real DAT I know I missed at least 2 questions. One I messed up significant figures because I was going too fast, the other was pOH vs pH (again because I was going too fast).

Ochem - 29
Total Hours spent - 50
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 247/405 (61%) 2nd pass - 344/405 (85%) 3rd pass - 382/405 (94%)
Bootcamp Practice tests (1-5) - 30/23/24/30/23

Ochem 1&2 were 2 of my favorite classes. I was in ochem 2 this past semester so my first pass through DAT destroyer I hadnt really covered any of ochem 2 aside from EAS and diels-alder stuff. For review I watched Chad's videos and took notes on everything and just worked problems. I printed out Chad's reaction sheet and wrote some notes on there, but everything from Ochem 1 and 2 was still fresh since I took Ochem 2 this past semester and Ochem 1 the semester before that. Just work through the Destroyer problems. I found it helpful knowing mechanisms (or at least generally what was going on) instead of just trying to memorize products. This also helped when I saw something I wasn't familiar with because I could walk through a plausible mechanism.

For the GenChem and OChem I feel like you just need to see as many problems as possible. Understand the main concepts and then just keep practicing.

DAT Bootcamp Practice tests: 30 hrs
I did this after I had passed through DAT Destroyer once and was working on a second time. Took one every weekend for 5 weeks just to get the feel for timed tests. I would not pay $500 for Bootcamp under any circumstance and the only reason I used it is because someone else bought it for me when it was on sale as a study gift. Their free stuff is ok, but I dont think its worth $500 considering you can get better material for every section for less.

Other hours were spent with Khan academy videos that I didnt group by subject.

Test Day:
Everything was easier than Destroyer and bootcamp which was really refreshing. Bio will be a little jarring because there may be things you haven't seen or didn't study or forgot or something that was a minor detail. Thats just the name of the game. There is a ton to cover there and they can ask you anything. Just do your best, use the bio review notes and DAT Destroyer and just hit them over and over again. I had seen every problem type that I got in GChem and Ochem so there was nothing new there, just dumb mistakes. QR was just an easier version of the Math Destroyer tests. Again, every question I saw on my test I had seen a similar problem in Math Destroyer and the only differences were the values.

Overall: (& DAT Booster)
I would Highly recommend the DAT Destroyer/Math Destroyer Bundle. I would highly recommend PAT Booster
(this was $90 for me I think) and for $200 I would almost certainly pay for their new service DAT Booster if I had to start again. (I took their free Bio test and it felt really good, similar to their PAT in that it was harder but very close to the real thing, and their Chemistry notes look good, also Feralis is doing their Bio and Feralis' Bio Notes had everything you needed but just felt inaccessible because of format). DAT Booster plus DAT/Math Destroyer will cost you $400 together, so you are saving $100 by not going with Bootcamp and you are getting better, up to date review content in all sections plus you get some timed practice tests if you want them. If I was to start over that Is what I would buy.

Anyway, I hope the # correct and practice test scores are somewhat helpful so you can know where you stand. Also seeing the hours I spent studying versus where you are at. I couldn't really find any of that information so

Congratulations and thank you for taking the time to write such an detailed review. It shows hard work pays off. Did the testing centers provide the masks or did you bring your own? Just curious because I find some masks quite restricting and I wear a bandana as a mask and find it much more comfortable and would be easier to wear for longer periods of time.

Wishing you the best...Nancy
Congratulations and thank you for taking the time to write such an detailed review. It shows hard work pays off. Did the testing centers provide the masks or did you bring your own? Just curious because I find some masks quite restricting and I wear a bandana as a mask and find it much more comfortable and would be easier to wear for longer periods of time.

Wishing you the best...Nancy
We provided our own. A few people had bandanas, some had the disposable masks you’d typically see at a dental office. I had a cloth mask that was thicker than I had anticipated and that I didn’t try on until getting to the testing center.
We provided our own. A few people had bandanas, some had the disposable masks you’d typically see at a dental office. I had a cloth mask that was thicker than I had anticipated and that I didn’t try on until getting to the testing center.
Thanks for responding and glad to know that information. You Destroyed the DAT Beast and I am sure you will get in a school of your choice. Enjoy your summer and hoping it's all back to as normal as possible soon....Nancy
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Wanted to add my breakdown not because I did anything super unique while studying but because of useful breakdown information from DAT Destroyer that I couldn't really find anywhere else. Hopefully the score information or # correct from DAT destroyer is helpful for people wondering where they stand.

PAT - 26
QR - 30
RC - 19
BIO - 30
GChem - 22
Ochem - 29
TS - 26
AA - 26

I spent a total of 390 hours studying for this test starting at the beginning of January and Took my DAT May 9. I spent most evenings studying for the DAT but also set up my schedule so that it was relatively light. Also, I was originally scheduled for the end of March and 144hrs came after my initial test date once the Covid delays started happening so thats why my hours are likely higher than most.

All materials used and rating:
PAT - PAT Booster 10/10
QR - Math Destroyer 10/10
RC - nothing really (my score reflects this, but also I've always struggled with timed reading tests (my lowest score on the ACT) and a lot of it is mental at this point)
BIO - DAT Destroyer 10/10, Feralis Notes 10/10, Dynomite Bio Review 10/10, DAT Bootcamp Biology notes 8/10 (free, and not the Biology bootcamp thats way too long)
OCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10
GCHEM - DAT Destroyer 10/10. Chads Videos 10/10

A family member bought me a DAT Bootcamp subscription when it was on sale, and I used 5 of the practice tests just to get the feel of a 5.5hr exam, and I used 2 of Mike's gen chem videos.

PAT: 26
Total Hours spent on PAT - 13hrs
Practice PAT Booster test scores (in order, only did 1-5): 22/24/24/21/22

My strategy: I would start every test and jump to Question 31 (the first angle ranking question) and would go from here. 31-90, then I would start on 16-30 (TFE) and would do Key Hole last. The last portion of the test I thought I could do much faster than Keyhole and TFE. I would work quickly and would usually have about 25 minutes for the last 2 sections, but also I knew that these were the two where I would miss the most, so if I had to guess I wanted to make sure it was on Key Hole questions not on cube counting or pattern folding.

Angle Ranking: (usually scored 12/15 on generators and similarly on practice tests) PAT Booster has some useful strategies on how to do this, but it just takes practice. Let the answers guide you here. If you see that all of the answers have either 2 or 4 as the smallest, only compare those two and then move on to 1 vs 3. Also, when a new question popped up I would try to quickly find the smallest angle, what my gut reaction was and work from their based on the answers. Move fast through this section and trust your instinct, use your strategies (laptop, wedge, etc.).

Hole Punch: (scored 15/15 on generators and practice tests) You should aim to get every hole punch question correct. Everything you need to get it right is on the screen and you should spend the time that you just saved up in angle ranking to make sure you are getting as close to 100% as possible. I drew grids for every single one and marked on the grid as I worked backwards from the right panel.

Cube Counting: (scored 14/15 or 15/15 on practice tests and generators) Draw your table, watch for tricky missing cubes and try to consistently get 15/15 on generators and practices. I would count every cube, mark it in my table, and then answer all of the questions for that model. Again, PAT Booster was great.

Pattern Folding: (Varied between 10/15 and 14/15 on test and generators) No real strategy here, just practice with PAT Booster.

TFE: (Scored between 10/15 to 14/15 )

Key Hole: (7/10 to 10/10 usually) - Again, this was the hardest section in PAT and I knew I was going to miss a lot so I always made sure I did it last in case I ran out of time and had to guess.

Overall PAT booster was harder than the real thing IMO. I only had one rock and the other keyholes seemed more obvious than the small differences that PAT Booster shows, all of the Cube counting and hole punches were straight forward. Pattern folding was more simple shapes and only 1 or 2 crazy models. Same thing with TFE.

QR: 30
Total hours spent on QR - 33.5hrs
Math Destroyer 2020 Test Scores (in order 1-13): 25/40 , 31/40, 38/40, 35/40, 33/40, 31/40, 35/40, 38/40, 34/40, 34/40, 33/40, 36/40, 24/40
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 20/17/20/24/19

I used Math Destroyer for this and felt the practice was very realistic (harder than the real DAT, but great exposure to all the problem types you'll see). I went through each test timed to get a feel for working quickly. Im not sure if this is a section people often neglect, but I think there is the most bang for your buck studying here. The biggest thing is timing and in order to get past the timing you need to have seen the types of questions you will see on the real thing before hand. Most of the questions are algebra or probability and I'm sure most of us, given the time, could figure out the answer to most questions. But because of the time constraint, you need to be able to see the question and know exactly what you are going to do AND exactly what mistakes you made on past problems like this and how to avoid them.

For example, You see a "you choose two cards from the deck without replacement, what the probability they will be the same suit" type question. Hopefully you've remembered that the first card doesnt matter (youve seen a question like this before) and the second card is without replacement so its not /52 like you did last time.

Going through Math Destroyer I felt like I was exposed to every type of question that I saw on the real DAT. I can honestly say that every single question I saw I knew exactly what to do because I had seen similar questions like it in Math Destroyer, and I knew which mistakes I made in the past and how to avoid them. To help initially, when I was just doing the DAT destroyer QR section I also used some of the Orgoman's QR videos to relearn probability, and shared work problems, etc. There are also useful math formula sheets to look at on the Facebook page.

Other people have said not to rely on the calculator and be able to do things by hand or in your head and approximate. I made sure I could do this, but on the real DAT I used the calculator heavily. Mine was responsive and I didnt have any problems (except not marking questions initially because I had to click out of the calculator first then click the answer). I used my PC calculator whenever I was taking practice test to get used to clicking the buttons. Make sure you are comfortable with Memory Store and Memory Recover because it can save you a ton of time.

RC: 19
Total Hours spent - 1hr (doesnt include bootcamp practice tests)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 27/25/28/24/25

Other people have talked about their strategies. On the DAT Bootcamp practice tests that I did I averaged about 25 in this section. That being said, I spent no time prepping for this section outside of those 5 practice tests. The biggest difference between the real DAT and those bootcamp tests were that there were significantly fewer tone questions on the real thing. That being said I've always struggled with reading sections on standardized tests and always get flustered when I check the clock and see that I've gone two paragraphs and its been 4 minutes.

My strategy was to try and quickly read the whole passage while marking key words and making mental notes of what each paragraph was about (10-12 minutes) then with the remaining 8-10 minutes I would go through the questions, remember the paragraphs that talked about this, find my highlighted keywords and answer. This worked great in DAT Bootcamp practice tests 1-5.

SO here is what happened on the real thing. I got my first passage and it was the longest of the 3. I didn't realize that until after passage 3, but that psyched me out initially. Seeing how long it was I started to question If I would have time to read all 3 passages and tried to sort of do search and destroy. I read the question and would scan the paragraphs for the keywords. This felt really frantic and added to my stress, especially when I was on problem 4 after 7 minutes. Needless to say I tried to power through the next 13 questions to get to the next passage.

Passage 2 was shorter and I had to mentally check myself because I could tell I did really poorly on passage 1. I went back to my strategy (quickly read the whole thing and mark as I went, mental note of each paragraphs content) This worked really well for me here, I felt really confident with all of my answers and that carried over into the last passage. By the time I finished passage 3 I had about 4 minutes left. I tried to go back over passage 1, but again it was just frantic search and destroy that obviously didnt work out for me.

Key take away from this: Find a strategy that works for you, forget all other strategies and stick with it. If you took some practice test and did well with that strategy and the timing was fine you'll be OK on the DAT. I had more time left over than any other practice exam I took, but not enough to redo an entire section. You need to be on your A game at the start and stick to what has made you successful in the past. The practice exams are harder than the real thing, so you'll probably have more time left over at the end than you think, so dont freak out like I did.

BIO - 30
Total hours spent - 138hrs
DAT Destroyer Bio #correct - 1st pass - 558/782 (71%) 2nd pass - 684/782 (87%) 3rd pass - 744/782 (95%)
Bootcamp practice tests (1-5) - 24/30/24/24/24

For this section you need to find out what works for you. Initially I tried flashcards. First I tried DAT Bootcamp's free flashcards but those were garbage. Half of the flashcards seemed too specific or you were memorizing a list just to memorize a list. Next I tried making my own flashcards using Anki but this took up way too much time staying on top of my deck and adding to it. Again, i felt like I was just memorizing stuff and didnt really have a working knowledge of the concepts.

At this point I took a step back and decided to just read bio notes and do practice questions. There were still things I committed to memory, but I committed them to memory by answering questions and reviewing answers and filling in gaps with videos and notes when I didn't know something.

So starting here, I read through the Dynamite Bio review. Its 560 pages but its a really quick read. Its very conversational and is really good for the most part. It can be a little bit scattered at times but thats easy to get past. I used this as a basic review. Cemented the things I already knew and exposed me to the stuff I didnt. This took me about 2 weeks. I started working through DAT Destroyer questions at this point while still reviewing notes. During my first pass of DAT destroyer I was reading Feralis notes simultaneously. Spent more time trying to memorize the broad picture and fill in the small details with questions and the notes. Feralis is really great. Everything is there, its just dry and less accessible than Dynamite Bio. If you can get past that it is great.

Next I used the free Bootcamp Bio notes (not the bio bootcamp academy, there was way too much info in that and it seemed really long), I marked up these notes and added stuff that I felt was missing.

My second pass through DAT Destroyer I only did questions and watched Khan Academy videos for things I was still confused on. After this pass I added more to my Bootcamp Bio Notes PDF and reviewed that again.

My third pass through DAT destoryer I did the week before I took my DAT. During that week I also reread all of the Dynamite review. This last minute cram was great for me, and There are questions I know I would've gotten wrong had I not seen that information the day before when I was quickly rereading Dynamite Bio.

GChem - 22
Total hours spent - 78
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 318/447 (71%) 2nd pass - 388/447 (87%) 3rd pass - 405/447 (90%)
Bootcamp practice test (1-5) - 25/23/30/25/22

I watched Chad's videos for review. I took detailed notes on stuff that I had forgotten, and lighter notes on things that I still remembered. After this initial review I started working on problems in the DAT Destroyer over and over and never really went back over my notes until the week before the test or if there was a specific concept I didn't understand. I used Khan Academy videos for help here as well. On the real DAT I know I missed at least 2 questions. One I messed up significant figures because I was going too fast, the other was pOH vs pH (again because I was going too fast).

Ochem - 29
Total Hours spent - 50
DAT Destroyer # correct - 1st pass - 247/405 (61%) 2nd pass - 344/405 (85%) 3rd pass - 382/405 (94%)
Bootcamp Practice tests (1-5) - 30/23/24/30/23

Ochem 1&2 were 2 of my favorite classes. I was in ochem 2 this past semester so my first pass through DAT destroyer I hadnt really covered any of ochem 2 aside from EAS and diels-alder stuff. For review I watched Chad's videos and took notes on everything and just worked problems. I printed out Chad's reaction sheet and wrote some notes on there, but everything from Ochem 1 and 2 was still fresh since I took Ochem 2 this past semester and Ochem 1 the semester before that. Just work through the Destroyer problems. I found it helpful knowing mechanisms (or at least generally what was going on) instead of just trying to memorize products. This also helped when I saw something I wasn't familiar with because I could walk through a plausible mechanism.

For the GenChem and OChem I feel like you just need to see as many problems as possible. Understand the main concepts and then just keep practicing.

DAT Bootcamp Practice tests: 30 hrs
I did this after I had passed through DAT Destroyer once and was working on a second time. Took one every weekend for 5 weeks just to get the feel for timed tests. I would not pay $500 for Bootcamp under any circumstance and the only reason I used it is because someone else bought it for me when it was on sale as a study gift. Their free stuff is ok, but I dont think its worth $500 considering you can get better material for every section for less.

Other hours were spent with Khan academy videos that I didnt group by subject.

Test Day:
Everything was easier than Destroyer and bootcamp which was really refreshing. Bio will be a little jarring because there may be things you haven't seen or didn't study or forgot or something that was a minor detail. Thats just the name of the game. There is a ton to cover there and they can ask you anything. Just do your best, use the bio review notes and DAT Destroyer and just hit them over and over again. I had seen every problem type that I got in GChem and Ochem so there was nothing new there, just dumb mistakes. QR was just an easier version of the Math Destroyer tests. Again, every question I saw on my test I had seen a similar problem in Math Destroyer and the only differences were the values.

Overall: (& DAT Booster)
I would Highly recommend the DAT Destroyer/Math Destroyer Bundle. I would highly recommend PAT Booster
(this was $90 for me I think) and for $200 I would almost certainly pay for their new service DAT Booster if I had to start again. (I took their free Bio test and it felt really good, similar to their PAT in that it was harder but very close to the real thing, and their Chemistry notes look good, also Feralis is doing their Bio and Feralis' Bio Notes had everything you needed but just felt inaccessible because of format). DAT Booster plus DAT/Math Destroyer will cost you $400 together, so you are saving $100 by not going with Bootcamp and you are getting better, up to date review content in all sections plus you get some timed practice tests if you want them. If I was to start over that Is what I would buy.

Anyway, I hope the # correct and practice test scores are somewhat helpful so you can know where you stand. Also seeing the hours I spent studying versus where you are at. I couldn't really find any of that information so

How many hours a day would you say you studied?

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How many hours a day would you say you studied?

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I would normally do 40 Bio, 30 GChem, 30 OChem questions a day from DAT destroyer. So a "Survey of the natural sciences" section worth of questions a day. That would take me about 2 - 3 hours depending on how much I knew. Then, depending on the day I would do some Math Destroyer for about an hour, mix in reading a few chapters of some bio notes, or do some PAT generators for the sections I struggled with. Usually it was about 3-4 hours in the afternoon/evening.

That being said, some days I would be too busy and would do maybe just some PAT or quickly review a section of Bio that I struggled with, or memorize all of the digestive tract enzymes, or go through Taxonomy stuff only. Other days I would spend 8 hours because I had nothing else to do.

Things got weird once my date got changed, and then changed again. I didnt know how to extend my studying or make sure I was still studying well. So I scaled back a little. and then 2 weeks in a row I did almost nothing after I wasn't sure if my May date was happening and the next dates werent until October or something. My last 9 days before my test i did a total of 71 hours though.

I've attached two photos. The first shows the hours per day that I recorded. The second shows the break down of hours by week into subjects/activities.


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Wow congrats! Were there many people at the testing center? And did you they give you noise cancelling headphones?
They run the testing centers at half capacity, or just below half. The testing center I was at had 20 seats and there were maybe 9 of us total. They werent all there for the DAT though. 2 had some engineering/mechanics test, not sure about others.

They still provided noise cancelling earmuffs.

The check in process was a little bit slower than normal I'm assuming. They only allowed 3 people in the check in area at a time. Everyone else waited outside in the hall. You came in, stood a distance away from the counter, they had you step forward to sign a paper while the worker backed away from the desk. You left your IDs for them to check and stepped back. They gave your locker key, and only one person was allowed back there at a time. Then you wait against the wall to be seated and checked, from a distance, for wires or anything in your pockets.

They make you take off your mask to check ID's and also when they are checking for wires or any sort of electronics on you.

Aside from that the only other change (again i'm assuming because I haven't tested at a prometric center before) was that it seemed to take longer to get out of the testing room for my break and then back in to the testing room. I sat there for about 4-5 minutes of my break waiting to be allowed to leave since there were two people checking in for tests and they couldnt have too many people in the main area.
I would normally do 40 Bio, 30 GChem, 30 OChem questions a day from DAT destroyer. So a "Survey of the natural sciences" section worth of questions a day. That would take me about 2 - 3 hours depending on how much I knew. Then, depending on the day I would do some Math Destroyer for about an hour, mix in reading a few chapters of some bio notes, or do some PAT generators for the sections I struggled with. Usually it was about 3-4 hours in the afternoon/evening.

That being said, some days I would be too busy and would do maybe just some PAT or quickly review a section of Bio that I struggled with, or memorize all of the digestive tract enzymes, or go through Taxonomy stuff only. Other days I would spend 8 hours because I had nothing else to do.

Things got weird once my date got changed, and then changed again. I didnt know how to extend my studying or make sure I was still studying well. So I scaled back a little. and then 2 weeks in a row I did almost nothing after I wasn't sure if my May date was happening and the next dates werent until October or something. My last 9 days before my test i did a total of 71 hours though.

I've attached two photos. The first shows the hours per day that I recorded. The second shows the break down of hours by week into subjects/activities.

Very detailed. I am currently studying just about the same way, thank you for the response!

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