DAT breakdown 8-25-09

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10+ Year Member
Jul 21, 2009
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Well, I took the DAT and what I feared would happen, happened. I bombed one section. I'll probably have to retake but here are my scores:

PAT: 19
QR: 13 :eek:
RC: 20
Bio: 19
Gen Chem: 20
O Chem: 19
TS: 19
AA: 18

I'm just a biology major with a 3.5 sGPA and 3.7 overall, 150 shadowing hrs, and have worked through college at the local pharmacy. I'll do a further breakdown later. I already applied before I took the DAT, so do you guys have any suggestions? Chances of getting in this cycle? I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone on the boards as you guys have been a tremendous help. Good luck to everyone.

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QR 13 can hurt you. You did well on other sections and GPA is good.

so a retake is needed? I just know that I can't retake until Nov. so I don't know if that's too late or not. I know many schools have a cutoff for ea subsection
gpa is good enough to compensate for the 13 in my opinion. I would apply, but definately call the schools before hand and ask how strict they are on cutoffs for qr
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I have seen many people getting interviews with QR 17, but I have never seen the one with 16 or less except howard but maybe I just missed them.
it might be a problem because some schools have cutoffs, even for QR. call up the schools you applied to and ask what they think.