DAT Breakdown

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Jan 2, 2022
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Hello everyone! I would like to share some of the things I have done for each section of the DAT that might help future test-takers. I used DAT Bootcamp and cannot emphasize how amazing the program is. I followed the schedule as is, and added extra time to strengthen my weaknesses. The study schedule keeps you on track and you know exactly what you need to do every single day.

Biology: I spent a large amount of time on biology in the beginning trying to memorize every detail. I had a notebook where I wrote all the condensed Bio Notes from Bootcamp and some of the textbook notes because writing helps me. I would write and read it twice a day. I went to Bio Bites and Question Banks. If I was stuck on a question, I would go to that specific part of the chapter and read the entire concept again. Videos are a really useful source for understanding confusing concepts because they provide a visual. I used Bio Bites as flashcards because they had very detailed questions. I liked the Bio Textbook because it gave diagrams, videos and lengthy explanations. If you have time, try using that and see how it fits into your schedule.

Chemistry: Dr. Mike from DAT Bootcamp is the life-saver! He broke down every concept in the simplest way possible. I watched his concept videos and made my own notes. I looked over my notes and then went to the Question Banks. I made flashcards of each concept and went over them at least twice a week. The flashcards helped with the conceptual points in chemistry. After finishing all the videos and question banks, I did not go to the practice tests right away. I re-did the question banks and wrote down the step-by-step process of each question.

Organic Chemistry: Once again, Dr. Mike was my life-saver! I did the same process for organic chemistry as I did for chemistry. I watched the videos, made my notes and did question banks. I did the question banks twice and wrote down the process of how I got to that question. It helps review the material. I reviewed the DAT Summary Sheet for Organic Chemistry as well to memorize reactions. I would create my own questions to test out reactions.

PAT: This section is one that can be solidified with practice. At first, I was intimidated by this section thinking how can I even get this. It's a normal feeling because it is so new and different. I took it section by section and just practiced. After being exposed to a bunch of different examples, I got a feel for the questions. I tried to do at least 15 questions of each PAT section a day. Once you realize what strategy works for you, you'll become more confident in your ability to conquer the PAT. It only gets better with practice.

Reading Comprehension: I watched the concept questions on DAT Bootcamp first. I then did no timer passage banks and moved to practice tests. During passage banks, I tested out different methods that were provided in the concept videos. Personally, I liked reading the passage and answering the questions - a simple but great method. Search and Destroy also works if I was running out of time.

QR: This section also requires a lot of practice. I wrote down the process of how I did each question and made a study sheet of questions I saw a lot. I wrote a couple of sentences of how to go about each of those questions. The more practice you do, the easier it will be. It also helped reduce the amount of time I took on each section. For concepts I was weak in, I watched online videos and did problems regarding the concept.

After doing the question banks, I moved to practice tests. These were then utilized as study sheets. I went over each and every question, right or wrong. For the ones I got wrong, I made a whole list and wrote down the concept and did relevant questions. Practice tests are an extremely useful source to study from. Don't get let down from the first few practice tests since you are just getting used to the full length time. You're building your test-taking stamina as well. You will do amazing, good luck!

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