DAT Destroyer & Organic Chemistry Odyssey

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Im Anush Hayastan
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I will be selling the DAT Destroyer and Organic Chemistry Odyssey for $200.00, regular shipping charges included. I am not so sure if different versions exist, but my book has the date, March 11, 2008 written on the cover. I will also include KAPLAN PAT subject tests for free. Please write back if you are interested. Thank you.

Original price on DAT Destroyer is $149.95 and Organic Chemistry Odyssey is $129.95.

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Would you be willing to sell them separately? I would want to buy the Odyssey.
i on the other hand would like only the destroyer...price?
Is the Odyssey still available?