DAT done 4/15/09

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10+ Year Member
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
AA 17
TS 18
PAT 19

I know I need to retake it :(...I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for studying the reading comp section? I only got a 16! ugh I thought that part was supposed to be easy. Oh well, any help with study tips would be greatly appreciated.

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AA 17
TS 18
PAT 19

I know I need to retake it :(...I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for studying the reading comp section? I only got a 16! ugh I thought that part was supposed to be easy. Oh well, any help with study tips would be greatly appreciated.

Need more information on how you studied and what you used. You didn't do bad. 18 is above the average 17.

Anyway read the kaplan blue book. ap cliffs biology, chad's videos for chemistry (www.coursesaver.com), then do some practice problems in dat destroyer. Then do practice test. For pat use crack dat pat, and for full tests use topscore or dat achiever.