Dat done!!!! 7/15

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10+ Year Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Alright guys I need your advice.

AA: 19
TS: 21
PAT: 20
Bio: 21
O Chem:22
G Chem:20
RC: 17

I would first like to thank everyone on this site, I'm more of an onlooker but I have gotten some really useful information by reading everyone's posts.

Now, I'm really happy about my TS, but I'm worried that my 17 in both QR and RC will really affect me. It just sucks because I have been drinking caffeine everyday to keep myself awake to study for this test and I now get headaches if I don't drink any caffeine. WELL, my smart self decided to not drink ANY caffeine before the test and I got a really bad headache midway through PAT, so I really could not focus on the RC and QR portions.

My overall gpa is not good, 2.9, but I was hoping with a year's worth of a solid gpa in a post-bacc program, I would be set for next year's cycle. I'm still applying this year just hoping to get lucky enough to get maybe one interview.

Do you guys think my RC and QR will affect my chances?

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Alright guys I need your advice.

AA: 19
TS: 21
PAT: 20
Bio: 21
O Chem:22
G Chem:20
RC: 17

I would first like to thank everyone on this site, I'm more of an onlooker but I have gotten some really useful information by reading everyone's posts.

Now, I'm really happy about my TS, but I'm worried that my 17 in both QR and RC will really affect me. It just sucks because I have been drinking caffeine everyday to keep myself awake to study for this test and I now get headaches if I don't drink any caffeine. WELL, my smart self decided to not drink ANY caffeine before the test and I got a really bad headache midway through PAT, so I really could not focus on the RC and QR portions.

My overall gpa is not good, 2.9, but I was hoping with a year's worth of a solid gpa in a post-bacc program, I would be set for next year's cycle. I'm still applying this year just hoping to get lucky enough to get maybe one interview.

Do you guys think my RC and QR will affect my chances?

Your GPA is going to hurt you but I still think you'll get some interviews with the DAT score.. you did great in the sciences. RC is unfortunate though.

What did you use to study the sciences?
Avery, thanks for your input!!

Well, I studied for about 3 months in total, and I work full time so I would put in about 5-6hrs/day after work everyday.

For Bio: I used KBB, Barron's AP Bio, Destroyer, Examkracker Audio osmosis and a compilation of notes i found on this website from 3 different books. Bio was so random like everyone says, I was pretty pissed going through the test cuz I though I had done worse. However, I thought Barron's prepared me pretty well, because it covered a lot of stuff that KBB does not. I think its pretty impossible to be FULLY ready for the random questions that they ask you unless you have gone through all of Campbell's textbook. The note compilation was really helpful to use as a refresher, and audio osmosis actually helped me a bit too.

Ochem: Destroyer, KBB and Chad's Videos. Chad's and destroyer really prepared me for the Ochem section. It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, pretty basic ochem to be honest. I think Chad's is a MUST, I would recommend his videos to everybody taking this test. KBB was good, but I think just seeing so many questions in destroyer is what really helped me learn the material.

Chem: Chad's, Destroyer, KBB, and some of MCAT hyperlearning. MCAT hyperlearning is definitely better than KBB, because it goes more in depth, and I really struggled with gchem so I needed all the help i could get. Chad's, again, is amazing and destroyer I think really helped me get the hang of breaking down difficult questions. This section, like O-chem, was a lot easier than I had anticipated it would be.

PAT: I used CDP, but I honestly didn't even go through all of them, which I kind of regret bc i probably would have done better than 20 if I did. The hole punching was WAY easier than any CDP question, as was pattern folding, TFE, and cube counting. I found the keyhole and angles sections to be the hardest and I honestly think those two brought my score down a lot. CDP is great, though, because it is much more difficult than the actual test and prepares you quite well.

If you have any other question, feel free to ask!!
Avery, thanks for your input!!

Well, I studied for about 3 months in total, and I work full time so I would put in about 5-6hrs/day after work everyday.

For Bio: I used KBB, Barron's AP Bio, Destroyer, Examkracker Audio osmosis and a compilation of notes i found on this website from 3 different books. Bio was so random like everyone says, I was pretty pissed going through the test cuz I though I had done worse. However, I thought Barron's prepared me pretty well, because it covered a lot of stuff that KBB does not. I think its pretty impossible to be FULLY ready for the random questions that they ask you unless you have gone through all of Campbell's textbook. The note compilation was really helpful to use as a refresher, and audio osmosis actually helped me a bit too.

Ochem: Destroyer, KBB and Chad's Videos. Chad's and destroyer really prepared me for the Ochem section. It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, pretty basic ochem to be honest. I think Chad's is a MUST, I would recommend his videos to everybody taking this test. KBB was good, but I think just seeing so many questions in destroyer is what really helped me learn the material.

Chem: Chad's, Destroyer, KBB, and some of MCAT hyperlearning. MCAT hyperlearning is definitely better than KBB, because it goes more in depth, and I really struggled with gchem so I needed all the help i could get. Chad's, again, is amazing and destroyer I think really helped me get the hang of breaking down difficult questions. This section, like O-chem, was a lot easier than I had anticipated it would be.

PAT: I used CDP, but I honestly didn't even go through all of them, which I kind of regret bc i probably would have done better than 20 if I did. The hole punching was WAY easier than any CDP question, as was pattern folding, TFE, and cube counting. I found the keyhole and angles sections to be the hardest and I honestly think those two brought my score down a lot. CDP is great, though, because it is much more difficult than the actual test and prepares you quite well.

If you have any other question, feel free to ask!!

Have you taken any full practice exams? I think you overstudied.
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You could be right, but I really don't think there is such a thing as overstudying for this test. Yes, I used topscore and achiever for practice tests. Topscore was more accurate with the difficulty of the real test, achiever was a lot harder.
You could be right, but I really don't think there is such a thing as overstudying for this test. Yes, I used topscore and achiever for practice tests. Topscore was more accurate with the difficulty of the real test, achiever was a lot harder.

I mean there is such thing as "smart studying." What were your Topscore scores? Can you put them here. I am planning to start practice exams this weekend.
Ya you are right about that, but I honestly think I needed the 3 months to get ready for it, thats just my personal opinion. I used dentalworks 8 week program for the most part but then incorporated other stuff so it took me a bit longer than the 8 weeks it is supposed to take. About my scores, I don't have them in front of me because I am at work but I will post em up here for you tonight when I get home.

When is your test? Do you feel pretty ready?
Ya you are right about that, but I honestly think I needed the 3 months to get ready for it, thats just my personal opinion. I used dentalworks 8 week program for the most part but then incorporated other stuff so it took me a bit longer than the 8 weeks it is supposed to take. About my scores, I don't have them in front of me because I am at work but I will post em up here for you tonight when I get home.

When is your test? Do you feel pretty ready?

I am taking mine in mid-August. I submitted my app. already. I feel ready for PAT, Math, Bio, Orgo. Still working on GC and RC. I have to work hard on RC since English is not my first language.
Oh man that must be tough. I'm really disappointed with my RC score, because I know without that headache, I would have done so much better. But no need to dwell on the past, what's done is done. Good luck with yours, I'm sure you will be fine if you feel prepared in the majority of the sections.
Oh man that must be tough. I'm really disappointed with my RC score, because I know without that headache, I would have done so much better. But no need to dwell on the past, what's done is done. Good luck with yours, I'm sure you will be fine if you feel prepared in the majority of the sections.

On my first try in January. I received a 20 on RC. I am not that worried. I have to nailed sciences this time.