DAT Done 8/17/09

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New Member
10+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
I finished my first DAT today:)
I would like to thank you all first! I earned so much information from here!

PAT: 22 (96.2%)
QR: 20 (89.3%)
RC: 17 (29.5%)
BIO: 20 (86.9%)
GC: 23 (95.0%)
OC: 20 (81.3%)
TS: 21 (92.4%)
AA: 20 (87.1%)

My study materials are Kaplan BB, Cliff's AP Bio, Chad's video, and Destroyer. I studied for two and a half month about 5~6 hours a day on weekdays.

BIO: Kaplan BB, Cliff's AP Bio. The questions were really random. I think I guessed at least half of all the questions. I spent too much time in this section and had to rush GChem and was short on time for OChem

GC: Kaplan BB, Destroyer, and Chad's video.

OC: Kaplan BB, Destroyer. I was short on time and had to guess last 7~8 questions. :(

RC: piano, aspirin, and cell communication passages. English is my second language, and I am really slow reader, so I did not expect to get any higher score.

QR: Kaplan BB, Destroyer. I ran out of time for this section also.

PAT: Hole punches were drawn very small compare to other study materials. For CDPs, I was getting 25s, but I am not complaining with my score.

I wish I did more practice exams because I feel like I did not do as well as I could have if I managed time better. :(

I graduated from University of Illinois with Bachelor in Psych, and have GPA of 3.6. (science GPA slightly lower)

I am a Texas resident, and actually have not submitted AADSAS application yet. I am definitely applying to Texas schools, but I actually would love to go to other out of state schools such as NYU, Loma Linda, USC, Boston U, Tufts, VCU, etc.

I am worried because it seems like these days, people are getting high DAT scores and mine seems average or slightly lower than average. Do you guys think I will have chance to any of the out of state schools I listed above? or should I consider retaking the exam in 3 months (before I forget everything)?

Some advices please:)

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great scores man

you got a 20 in bio and guessed half the q's? what kind of topics were they? developmental and DNA technology?
great scores man

you got a 20 in bio and guessed half the q's? what kind of topics were they? developmental and DNA technology?

Honestly, I do not remember much about those random questions... I guess maybe because I was too nervous during the test or maybe I wasn't familiar with any of those topics, I cannot remember...

After taking the test, I thought it is always good to know as much information as possible on Bio and know the big picture!!!

Good luck with studying:)