Dat Done! 9/17

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Jan 13, 2007
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Ok guys, so I just finished the DAT and need some type of input because I'm a little worried. My scores are average but not GREAT. This is the second time I've taken it. I did a little better in the sub-categories, but not too much!...

My first time - 5/26
PAT- 18
QR - 17
RC - 18
Biology - 18
G. Chem - 17
Organic - 23
TS - 19
AA - 19

Second time - 9/17
PAT - 19
QR - 16 :(
RC - 22
Biology - 19
G. Chem - 19
Organic - 21
TS - 19
AA- 19

GPA - 3.55
Science GPA - 3.5

I pretty much thing I'm AVERAGE. I've applied to 7 schools, so I'm hoping to get an interview from at least one! Haven't heard from any of them yet. Just got to submit my app to my home state (LSU) so hopefully I hear from them soon! I studied Kaplan and Destroyer (which I highly recommend). I just don't know if my scores are competitive enough.. input? Thanks!

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Those scores are good, but right about average nowadays. That's about how I did. Seems like everyone is doing poorly on QR, including myself...
1st of all, Congrats on finishing, u have ur life back. You did goood and u should get interviews. Also i think u should of applied to twice the number of schools just to make sure u got in. So i really can not tell u exaclty but u should get into at least 1 school. So goodluck!!!
Is it possible to get the same exact test form if you take it for a second time or do they have a record of which one you had and make sure they give you one that differs the second time around?

Do you think the level of difficulty was the same when you took it the second time? Most people seem to be complaining about the reading and biology section for the one with the FRAP, histology, and justice/ethics passage, and I'm really worried about getting that one when I take it again since my scores are average like yours and I don't want to do worse.
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I really don't think you can get the exact same test. If you did, that would a REALLY big coincidence!

My RC section was A LOT easier this time. One of my passages slightly confused me, it was about motion perception and if it was a sense? It had a lot of questions about tone and what not. My other two paragraphs were relatively easy - about crocodiles and then about diseases. But the way the paragraphs were sorted made it really easy for me to find the paragraphs. I really think everything varies though. I pretty much scanned the passages and found the answers that way.
Congrats, I think you did very well, your Science GPA is strong and so is your DAT. I don't think you will have problems getting in nor do I think you need to retake. Good Luck with the rest of the App. cycle.
I really don't think you can get the exact same test. If you did, that would a REALLY big coincidence!

My RC section was A LOT easier this time. One of my passages slightly confused me, it was about motion perception and if it was a sense? It had a lot of questions about tone and what not. My other two paragraphs were relatively easy - about crocodiles and then about diseases. But the way the paragraphs were sorted made it really easy for me to find the paragraphs. I really think everything varies though. I pretty much scanned the passages and found the answers that way.

i think we had the same test! i took mine today too....QR was way hard (i got only a 15)
I know!! I thought it was crazy that I got a 16 in that. It sucks, but oh well!
I really don't think you can get the exact same test. If you did, that would a REALLY big coincidence!

My RC section was A LOT easier this time. One of my passages slightly confused me, it was about motion perception and if it was a sense? It had a lot of questions about tone and what not. My other two paragraphs were relatively easy - about crocodiles and then about diseases. But the way the paragraphs were sorted made it really easy for me to find the paragraphs. I really think everything varies though. I pretty much scanned the passages and found the answers that way.

That's the one I had during the summer. Was your first one the one with the FRAP question in bio?
I'm not quite sure I understand your question but I dont think I had any FRAP questions in Bio. Maybe so, do you remmeber what it said?