DAT prep

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Full Member
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hello, today I took my DAT diagnostic test and got 15 out of 30. my goal is at least 20. how long should I study for? and what materials are most popular for DAT prep? is there any pre made schedule that helped you stay organized?

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Hello, today I took my DAT diagnostic test and got 15 out of 30. my goal is at least 20. how long should I study for? and what materials are most popular for DAT prep? is there any pre made schedule that helped you stay organized?
Hey, you are just starting out so you should not be too harsh on yourself, I was scoring very similarly in the beginning. I studied for approximately 3-4 months and did pretty well, check out my break down for more details. I think that the best resource that I used was DATBooster as it was the highest yield resource that I utilized. The person who made the Feralis notes actually made a great schedule that also incorporates DATDestroyer which will give additional practice, so take a look at that for a good premade schedule.
Sites like CrackDAT and Bootcamp have pre-made schedules. I felt it worked better for me to find some online and keep them in mind as I designed one for myself.

I had 2 months to study:
1) Review topics (Science, PAT, Math) with Chads Videos and CrackDAT
2) Test Myself with questions with CrackDAT and Destroyer

I got a 25, feel free to ask me any questions!
I like 3 months: 1 month for content review, and 2 months for practice tests and targeted review.

I did not follow any specific schedule. I just had looked at the videos in DAT Bootcamp and spaced it out evenly for content review. I would also use supplementary resources as needed. I would slow down on areas I felt I didn’t fully understand and go faster on areas I was very familiar with. I spent the last two months on full lengths (with time to review select questions at the end) and three passes through DAT Destroyer. Beyond this, I was very flexible with my schedule. Don’t waste time on stuff you are good at.

Oh and we’ll before I started studying for anything else, I was already working on PAT Generators. Start early, find the best strategies for yourself, then get good and get fast at them. That takes time.
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