DAT RC study resource

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2+ Year Member
Jul 2, 2020
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Does anyone recommend anything for RC practice? I have solved all of the Bootcamp QB problems, and I am reading scientific articles everyday, and I am planning to do all of the practice exams in two weeks. I have about 2 1/2 months left for the DAT. I am really bad at RC, so I need more practice. I am planning to get booster too, but is there any other source that I can use?
I would really appreciate if someone recommends two RC source for 1. solving problems and 2. scientific article (that is free...).
Thank you!

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Does anyone recommend anything for RC practice? I have solved all of the Bootcamp QB problems, and I am reading scientific articles everyday, and I am planning to do all of the practice exams in two weeks. I have about 2 1/2 months left for the DAT. I am really bad at RC, so I need more practice. I am planning to get booster too, but is there any other source that I can use?
I would really appreciate if someone recommends two RC source for 1. solving problems and 2. scientific article (that is free...).
Thank you!
I have worked with thousands of students through the years who have struggled with this section, even one where English was a 4th language and they managed to get through it. Students where English is a first language have difficulties too if they do not prepare for this important section. From my experience schools are a little more forgiving to students if English is not the first language.

This is what I tell my students and it does make a difference. The goal is to increase reading speed and comprehension levels and this can be easily accomplished by old fashion reading. If you dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to reading while preparing for the DAT that's a lot of reading accomplished over the course of your preparation. Make it a habit to read just before bed, not on a computer or phone but an actual book or magazine, it will also help fall asleep. Read things that interest you, remember the goal is to increase reading speed and comprehension. Don't focus on timed test now, that is stressing you out,