declining offers of acceptance...

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Sep 20, 2001
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What's the right way to decline an acceptance? What components would you include in the letter? Yeah, yeah I know I'm thinking about this too much. :)

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I haven't done it yet, but I think I'm just going to write them a short letter declining my acceptance because of a decision to enroll elsewhere, etc... (be sure to include your full name and SSN). :)

Anybody else think of other stuff to include?
I'd second PCG... name, ss#, and "I'm not planning on attending" (or fancier statement).
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You could just say 'Get off me fools! :mad: I don't need you no more!' :oops: hehehe :D
I was very respectful in my declines since you don't know where you may want to do your residency in the future. I try not to burn too many bridges. However, the schools didn't seem to appreciate the effort. One never responded (I wrote them a second letter eventually) and the other sent me a form letter.
Is the declination form they include with the acceptance letter not sufficient?
Originally posted by Slingblade the Surgeon:
•Is the declination form they include with the acceptance letter not sufficient?•••

I think that that would be fine, Slingblade (also, great name, I loved that movie, mmmh hmmm) but I believe that they're talking about after you've been accepted and get in somewhere you like better after you've lost the opportunity to use the declination form that came with the offer of acceptance. :)

I say just write a polite letter stating that you are not going to attend. I don't think there's a need to tell them which school you picked over theirs or things like that.
One thing i have added in my letters is how much i appreciate their attentiveness to me throughout the application process and how i look forward to working with them and their alum as we better osteopathic medicine in the future-- sounds cheezy but it works--plus i am being sincere. As said, they probably don't pay much attention to what we say as they have so much to do right now.
When I sent my own letter of declining offers, I thanked the committee for the chance to interview and visit the school, that I'd like to decline because I decided to attend xy school, and to wish them happy holidays. I also try to send these letters asap as soon as I know for sure of my decision to free up seats for other interested candidates.

My boyfriend hadn't interviewed at a school yet but was accepted to his 1st choice so he called to cancel the interview. They told him they needed a formal letter in writing, but thanked him for the call.
Dear student selection committee,

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity that you have extended to me. However, I have been accepted to another institution that I believe is a better fit for me and for my family situation. As such, I now find it necessary to decline your offer of acceptance in order to pursue this other opportunity.

Thank you for your consideration of my application and for presenting your school in such a positive light during the application and interview process.

Doesn't get any better than that.