Denver Health OMFS

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Jul 21, 2013
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Does anyone have information about Denver Health's OMFS program? I am considering externing there, but would like to know more before commiting a week or 2 to the program.

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The residents aren’t happy there from what I have heard. I have not heard anything specifically about the extern experience. I interviewed there and the the chairman at the time (hopefully not still there) was was extremely rude.
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Not trying to be rude or argumentative at all, but I disagree with the previous poster about the program. Granted, he/she may have interviewed several years ago and it could have been a different climate at the time.

The current residents were some of the friendliest residents that I interacted with on the interview trail and throughout externships.

The current attending OMS are more than willing to help their residents out. Just from our interaction and what the other residents said, I feel confident that I would be prepared for practice or fellowship after working with them for 4 years.

The residents service both Denver Health and CU Anschutz. Speaking only from what I saw at Denver Health, they have a busy clinical schedule with reserved OR time throughout the week. They split trauma call with other services, but have their fair share of work. Although I did not get out to see CU Anschutz, it was mentioned that there are at least two attending doctors at that hospital (and the dental school is associated with it).

I asked the residents and attendings what one thing was about the program that they would like to improve. They mentioned that they are working hard to get more implant cases for their residents. However, the residents said that even though they don't get an astronomical number of implant experiences, they are taught how to place them and know they can do so in private practice.

No one program is perfect. People often say that the best program is the one that you match at. That being said, I'd highly recommend exploring the residency program at Denver Health and see if it would be a good fit for you.
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It's hard to know what to believe about these matters. There's at least one program I was excited about only to hear absolutely terrible things about on one of my externships. On the other end of the spectrum, you can have people from certain "malignant" programs who make new SDN accounts to try and salvage their reputation at the expense of being transparent with applicants. My recommendation is to just go there and extern for a week if you're considering applying there. That's the only real point of externships imo other than to add another line on your CV.
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Heard back things from multiple people who externed and interviewed there