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Considering that fact that there is dermatopathology, pediatric dermatology, psychodermatology, pediatric plastic surgery, facial plastics, oculoplastics, etc, why isn't there a dermatoplastics? I would have thought that that would be an obvious combination, but I guess not.

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Cosmetic dermatology.
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In some western European countries there is a kind of fellowship that leads to the title of "plastic dermatologist".

The overlapping with cosmetic plastic surgery is inevitable...basically if you wanted a tummy tuck or a tuba, you could go see your derm instead of your plastic guy. Maybe something alike will be introduced in the US...

I highly doubt it. Dermatologists are not offered that kind of surgical training during their residency.

Perhaps as part of a fellowship but most of the academic dermatologists in charge do not wish to see the field course in that direction.