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...that it's illegal for a dentist to advertise as a "Family Dentist", a "Cosmetic Dentist" on an office sign or phone book ad, etc etc. The reasoning is that they are not true specialties, so it is misleading to patients. Technically it is supposed to be reported to the ADA when it happens (which is everywhere). The Asst Dean of my school lectured us about ethics and told us this, I was very surprised to say the least.

Members don't see this ad.
i'd like to see where that says it is illegal, because there is such an enormous about of dentists that advertise that way. i can't imagine if it was truly illegal that so many would do it.
This issue is indeed addressed in the ADA ethics handbook.

It's not "illegal," but it is unethical. You will get a letter from your local dental society telling you not to do that, but that's just about it.

It's perfectly ethical though, if on your advert, business card or shingle that you state clearly that you are a "general dentist." For example:

Dr. Newbie Graduate, DDS
General Dentist

Dentistry for the whole family
We do cosmetic restorations

We cater to cowards

Yadda yadda :D

That would be perfectly fine.

That's according to Dr. Chester Gary, DDS JD, of the 8th District of the NYS Dental Society.
Very true!

I've posted several topics here about this same subject, along with links to the ADA handbook.

A further fact is that it is also unethical for a specialist to do general dentistry! An orthodontist should NOT do general dentistry.

It is perfectly fine, however, for a general dentist to do specialty work.

The thread regarding that subject is here: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74670