Dissertation before internship: licensure difference?

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Jan 10, 2025
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On internship in New York, aiming to get licensed here. I’ve heard some rumors that the fact that I completed my dissertation before internship might change the way my internship hours count toward licensure requirements in New York.

Could anyone advise? Nobody I deal with IRL seems to know anything.

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Maybe wherever you heard that, they were talking about getting licensed at the master's level before being eligible for licensure at the doctoral level? though still not sure how dissertation completion status / timeline might affect assuming the person completed a thesis and got a master's conferred along the way to the PhD
The final answer will lie with the board of professions. Call them. However, all post-doctoral hours need to be accrued after obtaining a limited license from the state following the award of your doctorate. This generally entails identifying a licensed post-doctoral supervisor. Everything prior to that is generally pre-doctoral as mentioned in the previous comment.

Now, when will you have your degree conferred? Are you staying at your internship site for post-doc? Make sure that your degree is in hand on time. More of the issues I am aware of had to do with delays in being awarded your doctorate than early completion of any hours.