Do I count as Non-traditional? Radiation therapist to premed.

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May 17, 2024
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I went to radiation therapy school(similar structure to nursing school associate degree), got my license shortly after graduating.

I didn’t consider going to med school or even the thought of it until half way through my program where I had to shadow a bunch of rad oncs and nurses as an academic requirement.

I’m going to go back to my community college because I really do like research in biology so I’m going to try transfer to get a bachelors in that to then apply for med school. If I’m going to get a bachelors it might as well be in something I like and that counts towards my credits which is why I’m not doing it in health management or radiation therapy(which is only three new classes at bachelors level).

I don’t know if I count as non trad or not. I just know people my age have already started applying for this cycle.

As for clinical hours is it bad that I don’t wanna work as an MA or scribe? I get a lot of direct patient care as a radiation therapist and I want to pick up CT technologist jobs on the weekend.

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That clinical experience should be fine. Just do some shadowing in some other fields, especially primary care.
Thank you! I was really confused by the definition.

I only have unofficial shadowing of anesthesia and rad onc. I’m trying to schedule a family medicine doctor at the moment.
Don't waste your time scribing when you can do real clinical work.
I went to this national conference recently, and the panelists of admission officers from several schools praised scribing so much. I just don’t wanna miss out on anything if it’s that important.
I went to this national conference recently, and the panelists of admission officers from several schools praised scribing so much. I just don’t wanna miss out on anything if it’s that important.
It's important if you're a 20 yo premed without a real job. Just get some exposure to docs. The main points of clinical exp as a premed are exposure to docs and seeing if you like being around patients. 🙂