Do publications only refer to papers or do abstracts/manuscripts count?

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Mar 31, 2023
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Publication means you submitted a manuscript which was (eventually) published in a peer-reviewed journal. It is fine to list manuscripts which have been submitted but are still under review as long as you make clear what stage it is at in the process. Abstracts, posters, and oral presentations are a separate measure of research productivity.
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Say if I were to get interviewed and published in an article by Forbes/CNN for a project I founded, where would I include this information? Is the publication section approrpriate?
Say if I were to get interviewed and published in an article by Forbes/CNN for a project I founded, where would I include this information? Is the publication section approrpriate?
No. probably as part of the description of the experience. Which, to be clear, is still plenty impressive
Some conferences publish all of their abstracts in a supplemental publication. They are often assigned a DOI. If this is the case, then its perfectly fine to put as an accomplishment. Just make sure its clear that its from an abstract that was accepted at a conference/congress.