Do these classes count towards my science GPA?

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Dec 11, 2022
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Energy and Humanity (basically an energy conservation class but counted as a physical science class at my uni), intro to drug discovery, and intro to oceanography. Thank you!

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I think first one may count for AMCAS, prob not for the last two. I think all will count as science for AACOMAS if you are applying to DO schools
Thank you! My intro to drug discovery class was actually really bio intensive, do you think that will make a difference or no?
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Thank you! My intro to drug discovery class was actually really bio intensive, do you think that will make a difference or no?
If that's the case, I would label it as bio and see what AMCAS says. As long as more than half (or 60%) of your course included bio/chem/physics, then AMCAS will count the course as BPMS.
I think first one may count for AMCAS, prob not for the last two. I think all will count as science for AACOMAS if you are applying to DO schools

Why do you think so? Imho it’s the opposite for me. Out all three classes, energy and humanity sounds the least scientific.
Why do you think so? Imho it’s the opposite for me. Out all three classes, energy and humanity sounds the least scientific.
Bc OP said energy and humanity counts as physical science at his/her uni. AMCAS doesn’t really care about the title of courses, they care more about the content and having it labeled as science at uni will probably help