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New Member
Sep 18, 2024
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Hi, i am Kosi. A prospective mph student. I am happy to be here

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Please i have a question. I am a current applicant for MPH.
Some schools i am applying to are asking i should list and mention other schools i applied to for the same program.
I feel that is a smart and tricky question.
Please what should i give as an answer.

Should i leave the place blank or mentioned other schools i applied to?

I will appreciate an answer.
Hi koko777-
Welcome to SDN. Great to have you as a fellow member!
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Thank you
Please do you have answers to my questions. Will really appreciate a reply.
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Thank you
Please do you have answers to my questions. Will really appreciate a reply.
Telling the truth is the recommended approach.
Alternatively, you could simply not apply to places that ask invasive, irrelevant questions in their application.
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