Does a publication in highschool matter?


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Apr 15, 2023
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I’ve seen a lot of information and a lot of people say what you do in high school is generally disregarded. Does this matter for publications too?

I’m currently participating in a research program. If it goes well, I’ll get published as an author.

Would this matter on a med school application? Or is everything on the application specific only to college?

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Because publications in high school are usually achieved through personal connections rather than through your own efforts, I don’t take them seriously.
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Because publications in high school are usually achieved through personal connections rather than through your own efforts, I don’t take them seriously.
I will interject and say if your position came from a pipeline program, let people know this.
A publication is a publication is a publication. Absolutely put it on your app.

Now your high school jobs/volunteering may not matter in light of what you did in college (you want to impress the ADCOMs and not overwhelm them with paperwork to read), but publications absolutely do. Keep track of your pubs and make sure to document each one. I'd submit this for residency, as well.