Does anyone know how to calculate GPA if you went both undergrad and masters program?

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Jan 6, 2020
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Does anyone know how to calculate GPA for both undergrad and masters program?
I'm trying to see where I am for my gpa and not sure how to calculate my gpa if you went for both undergrad and masters program.
Does one weight more than the other or does it simply go by how many credits you took?
Or is it simply the average of two?? HELP

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They are completely separate, you don't combine them for overall gpa. Only undergraduate courses can improve your undergrad gpa
They are completely separate, you don't combine them for overall gpa. Only undergraduate courses can improve your undergrad gpa
Then if you want to compare yourself to other statistics, should I look at my undergrad gpa?
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Then if you want to compare yourself to other statistics, should I look at my undergrad gpa?

correct, there are no statistical categories for masters programs that I know of. How schools analyze it I don't know.
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This is straight from my verified app in 2017. The overall GPA did include the grad GPA then. Not sure if it's changed.
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