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Tufts class of 2012!
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Feb 1, 2007
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Did you guys see the segment about this website on the Today show this morning?

What does everyone think of this site? In theory I think it's a good idea to let people know the reality of the situation with animals in shelters, but I hope it doesn't encourage more people who have no clue what kind of responsibility adopting can be to rush into adopting a dog. Does anyone know if there is a one for cats? What does everyone think of this?

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I like the message, because I think if people see this they won't be so quick to take their dogs to a shelter if they don't want them anymore. HOWEVER, I read some of their statements in the "educational" section, and they think that the overpopulation problem will go away through education alone and spay/neutering. In a perfect world almost everyone would spay/neuter and we wouldn't have an overpop. problem. This isn't a perfect world. I would rather see euthanasia than starved, diseased animals running the streets like I've seen in other countries.

So in short... Their message is good but they fall short when it comes to their long term plans.
What "long term plan" do you suggest...? The longterm plan for a solution shouldn't be euthanasia... clearly it would be education & spay/neuter... as the site suggests.
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I think it's cool. It appears (in CA, anyway) that they do indeed list dogs from shelters that have significant dog overpopulation problems and impose time limits. Nothing makes me crazier than when someone puts something false up on craigslist saying that a dog is running out of time at my shelter, where we don't have time limits!!
What "long term plan" do you suggest...? The longterm plan for a solution shouldn't be euthanasia... clearly it would be education & spay/neuter... as the site suggests.

I am for mandatory spay/neuter laws coupled with public education, along with euthanasia. The site suggests that euthanasia shouldn't be used at all, they have a 'no kill' ethic.
Well I do agree that it's if difficult if not impossible to find homes for all of the pets that need them now, I do think striving towards no-kill is a good goal. Did you read the article in the education section about the McKee project in Costa Rica.
They are trying to do away with shelters by spay/neuter and public education alone. I think this is a good program even if it might be hard to apply it to the US. They work to educate people not just about s/n, but training and caring for their pets to encourage them to keep them once they have them. By far the most frustrating thing about volunteering at a shelter is seeing the animals that people have dropped off for whatever reason. Why do people think dogs and cats are disposable? I agree with the organization that teaching people to care for their pets and keep them will also help. But my question is how do you do this on a large scale somewhere like the US?
woops posted twice