double specialty : perinatology and neonatology

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Sep 11, 2017
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I am interested it double specializing in both perinatology and neonatology. I was wondering if someone could explain the process in which one must go to become board certified in both of these specialties and roughly how long it will take. Also, can I complete my training simultaneously or would this be an instance where i would complete the training one at a time.

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Perinatology/maternal fetal medicine is a 3 year fellowship following on/gyn residency, whereas neonatology is a 3 year fellowship following pediatrics. It would be very difficult to be boarded in both of them, and honestly I don't know why you would want to be, because the two specialties are worlds apart.
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Neonatal-Perinatal is what the NICU fellowship is called. It's not a double board situation (other than the fact you'll be boarded in Pediatrics and then in Neonatal). You get to it after a 3 year peds residency (or a 4 year med-peds residency).

Perinatology (without the Neonatal) is also called Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) and you get to it after an OB/GYN residency.

Edit: Moving to Pre-Med forum.
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I am interested it double specializing in both perinatology and neonatology. I was wondering if someone could explain the process in which one must go to become board certified in both of these specialties and roughly how long it will take. Also, can I complete my training simultaneously or would this be an instance where i would complete the training one at a time.
No, you can't complete the training simultaneously, so you'd be looking at 13 more years of education after completing med school.