Dual Applying Rank List Questions

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Dec 7, 2018
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Hi all, I wanted to alleviate some of my concerns about my rank list so far this interview season, I am dual applying IM and my advanced specialty and I currently have 15 interviews in my advanced specialty and 15 IM interviews. I have a rank list based on how interviews have gone so far and I got worried about falling too far on my rank list or soaping. The odds of me falling to 28/30 or soaping are incredibly low, right? I would put my interviewing skills at average, I don't stand out but I'm also not unsociable. Thank you!

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Once you hit 13-15 interviews, you have a 99% chance of matching. That's based on the NRMP report. Also from the same report I remember reading that of all those who matched, ~80% end up matching in one of their top 4 ranks. So you'll be fine!
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They are low chances, but we cannot know for sure. Without knowing how you interviewed, where you interviewed, etc it is even more difficult to say.

Try to just put it our of you mind and concentrate on other things until match day. I know it's difficult, but no time like the present to work on strategies to address dealing with stress/unknown.

I will say this from experience, it may not be a bad idea to just for a minute, think about how you would react if you got an email telling you you didn't match. DO NOT perseverate on it, but go through the motions in your head once so that with the very low chance it happens, you will hopefully be better equipped mentally to keep your composure and move forward with what you have to do.
They are low chances, but we cannot know for sure. Without knowing how you interviewed, where you interviewed, etc it is even more difficult to say.

Try to just put it our of you mind and concentrate on other things until match day. I know it's difficult, but no time like the present to work on strategies to address dealing with stress/unknown.

I will say this from experience, it may not be a bad idea to just for a minute, think about how you would react if you got an email telling you you didn't match. DO NOT perseverate on it, but go through the motions in your head once so that with the very low chance it happens, you will hopefully be better equipped mentally to keep your composure and move forward with what you have to do.

So far I've had 5, 3 went really well in my head at least, and 2 were so-so, but I know from talking to other people that your own perceptions on how it went really mean nothing lol. I'll get a stress ball and work on some meditation. Thank you for your insight!