Dual Applying

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2+ Year Member
Nov 25, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I'm a DO student going for ortho. I'm committed to ortho, but I'm not someone who can sleep at night without having a back-up plan. I'm confident that I would enjoy a career in neurology, so my tentative back up plan is to dual apply neurology and ortho. Any thoughts or experience with this?

Also, how would the match process work for this? Say I ranked 6 ortho programs 1-6 on my rank list, then put another 6 neuro programs 7-12 - would I potentially ended up not matching Neurosurg either since it's low on my list?

I appreciate any advice, this whole process can be quite confusing.

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"ended up not matching neuro*** either since it's low on my list?"
check out this video

The match favors the applicant, just because a program is lower on your list does not mean you are less likely to match there. If program X ranked you number 1 and you ranked them number 10 and you don’t match at your first 9 programs you are guaranteed to match at program X because they ranked you number 1
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Trust the algorithm and just rank in order of your preference. Ranking a program low doesn’t kill your shot at matching there unless they rank you low.

Off topic, but if you like ortho and neurology, have you considered pm&r? I only ask bc a lot of students don’t know it exists.
Your can rank 700 FM programs that you didn't apply to ahead of your 6 neuro ranks. It won't affect your chances of matching neuro. It will be expensive, but it won't change your chances.