Dual Degree option on AMCAS

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Aug 4, 2020
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On the medical schools tab of amcas it gives me the option to apply MD/MBA to a school but when I go onto the school’s website it says that you don’t apply for MD/MBA until you’re an M3. What is the point of the checkbox for MD/MBA on amcas then, is it just indicating interest?

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On the medical schools tab of amcas it gives me the option to apply MD/MBA to a school but when I go onto the school’s website it says that you don’t apply for MD/MBA until you’re an M3. What is the point of the checkbox for MD/MBA on amcas then, is it just indicating interest?
Some of the schools do accept an applicant for the dual degree from the beginning, and may have different interviewers because of it.
Some schools allow you to opt in to the second degree later.