Duke vs Northwestern vs BU vs Emory vs TN State Schools

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Jun 19, 2019
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Hey everyone! I am so lucky to be choosing between these schools, but I am now struggling to decide with deadlines rapidly approaching. I am interested mostly in EM but am also interested in gas, ortho, surgical fields, and radiology. I am originally from TN but went to school in New England and have spent my gap years in Boston. I would love to move out west after medical school or residency or potentially return to the New England area.

I have a ton of friends and a long-term partner in Boston and originally getting into BU was the dream. However, I have found myself liking other schools more that are far away. My partner is doing graduate school in Boston at her dream school so it is not an option for her to move with me.

Poll link since I forgot to make one when I started the thread:

Duke (COA ~240k)

  • Very Prestigious/Top10
  • Decent COA?
  • Love the curriculum so much and would be able to go where ever for my third year (including coming back to Boston)
  • P/F Preclinical and Clinicals, No AOA
  • Students seem really happy
  • Lots of activities in the outdoors
  • Vibing with other accepted students
  • Easy living in Durham
  • I have a car
  • Could continue working in search and rescue
  • The match list is insane and could do any specialty I want
  • Durham seems okay for LGBTQ students
  • My entire lab is moving to Duke as well so I would know some people in the area
  • Could be a good opportunity to get involved in outreach to LGBT youth in the south which would mean a lot to me
  • I don't mind smaller cities (grew up in one and went to school in a small town)

  • Durham may get old?/Seems to not be super safe?
  • I do not want to be in the south long term/do not want to match back at Duke
  • Far from friends and SO
  • Not as good of a home program for EM
  • Was one of my least favorite interviews/ super harsh and stressful

Northwestern (COA ~280k)


  • Prestigious/ Top20
  • My favorite interview and was my top choice after interviews
  • Chicago seems really fun and NW is in an amazing location
  • Really great EM program/Could rotate at Cook County
  • Strong match list
  • I would be happy to match back in Chicago
  • Current and admitted students seem really cool
  • ECMH and dedicated time for research project
  • I have some friends in the area
  • Easy and cheap to fly anywhere from Chicago/ easy to visit friends and SO in Boston
  • Opportunity for urban outreach

  • More traditional curriculum
  • AOA/ graded clinicals
  • More expensive than Duke
  • Maybe not as much of a powerhouse as Duke?
  • Harder living in a city once the newness wears off
  • I have a car
  • Less stuff to do outdoors
  • Boston is the biggest city I have ever lived in and Chicago may be overwhelming
Emory (Have not received aid package/ I assume ~280k to 300k)

  • Atlanta seems fun
  • Top30/20 school
  • Students seem to really love the school
  • GRADY!
  • Strong home programs including EM
  • Close ish to home
  • Dedicated time for research
  • Match list is fairly strong
  • Easy to fly out of Atlanta
  • I have a car

  • Have to drive through traffic for clinicals
  • Less prestigious than Duke/NW
  • Have still not told me my aid with the April 15th deadline approaching
  • Far from support system
Boston University (COA ~280k)

  • In Boston!
  • Could live with my SO and see my friends
  • BMC seems like a cool place to train
  • I like the other admitted students
  • Strong for EM and have lots of Harvard matches
  • I like south end
  • Lots to do in the outdoors outside the city
  • Could keep my current lifestyle somewhat

  • The curriculum is just fine
  • I had a horrible interviewing experience with a faculty member that has dozens of controversies around child abuse/ a bad reputation that made me really uncomfortable with the school
  • Not as prestigious
  • Feel like I may regret turning down Duke/NW/Emory to be with my partner
  • Old facilities
  • Boston is expensive
UTHSC (aid not received yet/Probably ~200k)

  • Cheap
  • Memphis seems okay
  • Plenty of opportunity still
  • I loved my interview and the faculty

  • Really far from family
  • Not a very safe city
  • Not as strong of a match list
  • May not be as queer friendly
ETSU (aid not received yet/Probably ~200k)

  • Cheap
  • Really close to home
  • Lots to do outside

  • Johnson City kind of sucks as someone who grew up in east TN
  • Probably not queer friendly realistically
  • Less opportunity
  • Middle of nowhere
Summary: Overall, it seems that I am choosing between lifestyle at BU, ideal location/prestige balance at NW, county hospital experience at Emory, career/curriculum opportunities at Duke, and cost at my state schools. Mostly leaning towards Duke or NW with BU as another option.

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based off your list i would say NW. despite recent USNWR rankings i don't think there's really a prestige difference between NW and Duke. while Duke is slightly cheaper, based off your saying you really liked NW after interview, you are interested in matching to Chicago, you want to fly to see SO (seriously, Chicago flights to the east coast are dirt cheap and between Midway and O'Hare you can usually find a perfect time), and you are interested in EM, i'd say NW wins.

all the other schools are great, the only other one i would consider based off your pros/cons though is BU if you really don't want to do long distance. but it sounds like you don't have a huge problem with that
How important is the LTR to continue building on? BU would definitely make it much easier to do so and would not limit you.

If you are both solid with you being away for 4 years, it really is a toss-up between FSM and Duke since they are almost indistinguishable in regards to prestige (especially since you don't want to stay in the South long term). I agree that Chicago as a city would offer you more opportunities than Durham and definitely has the advantage of Kellogg if you want to do an MBA. From that, I would lean FSM if they could match the COA. Otherwise, it genuinely is a toss-up IMO.
How important is the LTR to continue building on? BU would definitely make it much easier to do so and would not limit you.

If you are both solid with you being away for 4 years, it really is a toss-up between FSM and Duke since they are almost indistinguishable in regards to prestige (especially since you don't want to stay in the South long term). I agree that Chicago as a city would offer you more opportunities than Durham and definitely has the advantage of Kellogg if you want to do an MBA. From that, I would lean FSM if they could match the COA. Otherwise, it genuinely is a toss-up IMO.
We have been together for five years so can probably handle the long distance. Overall, I think I am choosing mostly between FSM and Duke at this point leaning towards Duke mostly. Kind of surprised to see two votes for FSM so far ha. Definitely torn between the two.
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FSM=Duke as solid t20s, negligible difference prestige-wise. Given that, location and support system seem to be the most relevant factors as 40k is a small difference in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps COL. I'd lean FSM for Chicago as well as wanting to return to New England, but you overall can't go wrong. Boston's a great program as well. Cost difference of your state schools likely isn't worth the difference in opportunities.
My vote is for Duke honestly. Having the support system from your former lab, getting to use your car, the P/F and no AOA, and vibe seem like huge pros for you. If you're fine with doing LDR, then I'd say Duke is your better bet. NW for the EM if that's really important to you, but just from your post it seems like Duke could be a great fit for you.
If your partner is serious (committed), I would honestly pick BU. Are you sure you won't regret being away from them for potentially 4 years? It seems distant now, but imagine yourself making the move to somewhere far from your partner and how that would feel once it's not as easy to go see them every day.

If you're okay with that, then go with Duke.
If your partner is serious (committed), I would honestly pick BU. Are you sure you won't regret being away from them for potentially 4 years? It seems distant now, but imagine yourself making the move to somewhere far from your partner and how that would feel once it's not as easy to go see them every day.

If you're okay with that, then go with Duke.
Definitely a huge consideration. We've been long distance for a little over a year twice before. With the third year open at Duke to go back to Boston, it definitely feels more doable than NW. But BU is still a major contender because of this.
This is a tough one, but I feel like it's mostly between NW and Duke. BU if you reallyyyy wanted to stay in Boston for your partner, but I think based on your list that it's NW vs Duke mainly. I am in a similar position choosing between Duke (also have a car and seems easier to move around the city) vs a Chicago school and am worried about the car thing but more excited by Chicago than Durham. Not sure which you should go for (bc same lol) but you can't go wrong either way! Try to really evaluate which of the factors you listed are most important to you and follow your gut!